Note to self

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Never leave cleats, shoulder pads, pants, socks, shirts...etc. from practice in the truck..after a week of practice it really starts to smell...BAD!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok whats the best stuff to get the smell out?


Get it at the automotive dept. @ Wal-Mart or Autozone or someplace like that.

Neeley - you have GOT to get a job man!!! or come on down here and i'll host you to teach me how to fish!! MAN it was 64 outside while I was in the Hot Tub, Nothing like a COLD HomeBrew and cool air in a Hot tub!!
You know Trep....I would be so tempted to take you up on that, but the gas money would kill me.

Your good people, maybe when i can afford to drive down, I'll be there.
Leaving an open can of ground coffee also works. There ain't nuthin' that can get smellier than the inside of an over-the-road truck the way some drivers (thankfully few) keep their sleeper areas and smoking in the cab. When I used to sell trucks, we'd use the coffee ground trick to absorb the smells and freshen the air.

Fabreeze is also good.
Probably the best thing to do would to leave the windows down on a sunny day.

You know those little green/blue/red trees you can bu at any store? Buy a few of them and stick them in there. World of difference.


Hint of Advice- Wash your practice schiznit every 2 days if not every night to avoid the stench.