Not-So-Memorial Pictures - Try Again

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
OK - I went and created the pics in Photobucket and tried to follow all the suggestions from a previous post. Four pictures are identified below and I hope they come out. The first is the beautiful sunrise we had for the launch.

The second pic is all the "boys" at the dock. If this picture thing works I will go back and identify who they all are for future reference.

Third pic is just a shot from the dock when everyone was getting ready to leave to fish.

The last pic is of Toxic (duh!) in his skirt and Optimus Prime Helmet. From what I am told he left the cookout just in time as he lived up to his moniker just AFTER he walked out the door. Thank goodness for small favors.





Nice looking group, except for that "thing" in a skirt...:eek:

In order to post pics on this site, press the image button. It will put the img /img up on the screen, in parenthesis. Then past your Photobucket img link in between those two, and delete the all caps
that Photobucket puts in there. For some reason, this site doesn't like the capitalized ones. So, if your links above were the exact same, but the img and /img were just like that - not all caps, then it works fine.

All the best,


Glenn and Bill,

I have used Shutterfly to post pictures on this site and it seems to work fine without worrying about all the cap problems, etc.. I'm going to try one just for kicks to make sure I know what I'm talking about:eek: Glenn, it was great finally getting to meet you. Your rig is beautiful!


Uncle Billy

Well, I could have made it bigger but I just grabbed one to see if it would work and it did.
Well when your work PC doesn't allow access to any Photobucket,Shutterfly or whatever...lil' Red X is all ya' get.
Bill - I just did what Tritonglenn described. Thanks again and great pics!
I will confess to being more than a little sore and wore out yesterday but I am ready to do it again. I had a blast on Sat and thank you one and all.


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