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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
8 school days left......we get out the 27th...cant wait till summer.

Also the Junior Senior Banquet is next friday....i have a tourny sat. I won't get home till 12:00.... I asked a girl to go with me she said yes....I don't want to go with her though....She is nice but she took it the wrong way. When they first told us about JSB they said just because you go with someone doesn't mean you a dating them or going out with them. When I asked her I was just trying to be nice because we talk some and she is friendly.....SHE ACTS LIKE I AM HER BOYFRIEND.........anyway enough about aht...

I CAN"T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO BE OUT...just had to say that...


Quick story... I was walking along the beach one day years ago... I tripped... And, when I looked down I saw that I had tripped on what looked like an old oil lamp... I picked it up and started to brush it off... Well I guess I must have rubbed that lamp just right and a Genie popped out.

The old Genie looked at me and said; "You get one wish... And, hurry I'm a busy Genie"

Well, I already had plenty of "stuff"... So I said,"You know what I want... I want to see Hawaii before I die... But, there is a big problem I don't like airplanes and big boats that I'm not driving scare me... So, Mr. Genie I want you to build me a bridge from California to Hawaii so I can drive there"

The Genie just laughed... and then said... look I'm a Genie not a "god"... do you realize what an engineering feat you are asking... a bridge over the deepest spot in all the world's oceans... and the distance ... rest stops... gas stations... nope... not this Genie... Pick something else..."

So, I said; "okay... I have never really had a successful relationship with a woman... I don't understand them and they don't understand me... And, there is always "friction" and disagrements. So, if I can't have my bridge... I want the ability to understand and communicate with women."

You know what happened next, BJ?

That Genie looked me right in the eyes and said; "You want that bridge two or four lanes?"
LOL @ Uncle Greg!

BJ -

You and the young lady have a great time!

I can tell you that there is nothing in the world more satisfying than wonderful Friendships!


God Bless!

I will post pics....

I thought about taking the boat with me...that way it would be like the Triton

Okay, spit it out... what's wrong with this girl? You obviously have something against dating her, so what is it?

Enjoy the banquet and your date. Always end on a good note. It is better to have the option of seeing her again than to burn that bridge. Remember she WILL talk to her friends about how nice you are and that will pay off either way. On a final note, be sure to get some sleep before your tournament. Your mind will need to be fresh so you can make good decisions on the water.
Seriously man, does she have the mainge or something? Shoot, any woman who'll date a guy has got to be worth something. :)

She is really annoying. Today she asked me if I ordered a crosage (SP). I said "OH, I am supposed to get one of those?" I have already ordered it. I also told her I was wearing a fish tie...I'm not but I would love too. She went to my mom after school all upset that I hadn't ordered a crosage and I was going to wear a fish tie....

Also just because I asked her doesn't mean I am dating her, SHE DOESN"T KNOW THAT...SHE ASKED TODAY WHEN WE WERE GOING TO GO SOMEWHERE BESIDES JSB...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! we're not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK WITH THAT SAD....I have NOTHING against her. No one was going to ask her. She would have been the only girl to go by herself SO I asked her to be nice. We talk some, she sits by me in Algebra, she's nice but thats about it. I have taken a very bad rap about it....its fine. I am looking forward to it for the most part. I just wish people would stop saying we are going out and stuff............................
I tell you what... lighten up a little and be honest with her... No more "fish ties"... that is just a little cruel to a girl... These things mean so much more to them than to guys... And, always treat every girl like you would want some guy to treat your sister...

As far as what other people say about who you associate with... forget them... You have always acted very sensible and way more logical than most high school kids (I know because I am still raising one and dozens of them hang out here at my house... we're the cool parents... we're numb!)

Go, have a good time and enjoy your date... You said she is nice (I take that as "friendly and someone you can hang with and just talk) and that is a big plus... My daughter is surrounded by some very pretty and popular airheads... If I had my way they would be hanging on the wall with a lure in their mouth... They are obnoxious and (pardon my bluntness) stupid... So, if you found one that can converse.. you are way up on the game....
BJ, you are doing a good thing take her to the dance and be nice but be done after that....Think of it this way, it could be Meyer's daughter and you would be under constant survelliance all night long and at risk of a team of heavily armed jackbooted thugs repelling down from the ceiling of the auditorium for a "Hostage Extraction" manuever,.... that is if the floor is not waxed and Meyer doesn't fall on his can putting a full clip in the rafters (see Greg, I never forget).


You know, BJ..... I like your Uncle Greg more after every post he makes recently! He is a very good man with very good advice! Listen and learn from him!

I. for one, am very proud to have learned from you, BJ! You, Sir, are a very Good Man!

Ahhh... Mr. Hammer... Confiding in you is like telling the National Enquirer...
ROTFLMAO @ Tox!!!!!!!

BJ I cant give you any advice because I have never done anyhting school related like that. I am always camping or hunting or fishing or something. I think the chicks dont like me because I am always doing something and would have no time for them or they dont like what I do like hunting and fishing.This year I auctually made it to 2 football games and 1 basketball games. I havent went to any dances or anything like that for school. Girls are so confusing. I just had to vent.Oh well hope you have a good time.
