NJ to start charging for Tourneys / No cash exchanges

  • Thread starter Christopher Laurencio
  • Start date
Nitro Owners Forum

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Did you hear that the state is very much considering charging clubs $50 to have a tourney on all state lakes?

They are also trying to BAN any money exchanges on the property.

As of now, Aeroflex will arrest/ban/prosecute anyone who participates in a tourney for money!
We had that issue at a local lake (money part). So, everyone met off the lake property to hand over their fees and collect the winnings. This was a Corps of Engineers lake though. Other tourneys do exchange money on the property, so there may be a permit involved.

As for charging FOR a tournament, that's simply crap. The fact that 50 anglers decide to meet up at a certain lake and fish from 6:30-3:30 and compare weights is perfectly legal and shouldn't be subjected to higher usage fees than everyone else.
Sounds like a lot of these states are backing themselves in a corner with this kinda' crap! It's happening everywhere!

Did anyone ever think if they're weren't fishermen like you or I....they wouldn't have any money to worry about anything:( They forget WE make it happen for them!

Go ahead...keep charging me for ramp fees,increasing my lisence, then telling me where I can and cannot fish.....

WHAT !!!. Where did you here this Chris ? I was at the federation meeting last Friday and nothing was mentioned then .
Tom, I heard it from a Park/Ranger/Game Warden with my own ears, call Areoflex and ask them, it's crazy $ss BS