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Jimmy Easterling

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
I finally got the electronics installed, waiting on the KeelShield and still have loading it with all my stuff. I took it to Lake Murray today to break in the motor and do a little fishing. It ain't nuttin like the Z6, it's going to take some time on the water to figure it out. I ran it for about an hour yesterday at our little lake at low rpm's to get the first hour over with and probably put about four on it today. So now I can start learning how to driving it. I never got the rpm's above 4200 which was about 51 mpg gps. When I feel comfortable with higher speeds I can start messing with the jp. Already a couple of questions: Never having hydrolic steering before, it is rather stiff, not jerky, just stiff, is that normal? I kinda guaged the trim by the trim indicator on the dash, I put the trim on the steering wheel, does the indicator not work when you move it off the stick? I am sure ther will be more but I don't know enough now to ask them. Oh, caught three, one weighable and two dinks.


Great looking boat and I see you went with the hot foot also. On the steering? Define stiff? My Champion is 5 years old now, the steering is firm but steady, no real feed back like a car or a cable system. Oh and the steering wheel does not stay centered all the time? The trim gauge should work with any of the controls, if it's not working put it on your list of things to be checked by your dealer. Enjoy.

Nice ride!!!!!! I love that color blue. If it had a white bottom that would be the colors me boat would be.

To answer your questions. The sear star pro hydraulic which is what you have is a little on the stuff side. Mine is as have been others that i have driven. The trim guage should work no matter what trim button you use. The guage is wired to a sensor on the motor. If its not workong when you use the wheel mounted one then something is wrong.
NICE RIG I JUST PICKED MY Z7 up YESTERDAY Looking forward till april to try it out congrats and good fishing:)
this my dream boat, did they eliminate the cooler step and trash can ?

BF, the steering is stiff, the service manager told me if it went to jerking he would have to bleed the lines again, it is not jerking. I'm not complaining, maybe I expected something like power steering?? Either way it feels a lot better than cable. I am glad you mentioned the steering wheel not staying centered, I was going to pull it off and center it, boy wouldn't I have been surprised.

Glenn S, I am glad I live somewhere that I can fish all 12 months of the year. I couldn't imagine having to wait 5 months to put my new boat in the water. I guess you "frozen winter" people get used to it.

Todd, no they are still there, you just can't see them in the picture.

The only thing I see about the boat that I have real concerns about is something I didn't notice until I was screwing the tm foot down. There is a 3 inch circle that looks like it was burned into the carpet on the deck just back of the tm hole. Looks like a 3" pipe was heated up and melted the carpet in a circle. The question is: Is it worth having the carpet replaced. I feel sure it is glued in place. Any ideas?
Oh, and thanks guys for the compliments and all the help you have been. The biggest motor, the hot foot, the trim on the wheel were all because you guys said it was the thing to do and I consider one of the best things I have done in my short boating career was to find and join this web site. Thanks, you should all be proud of the help you give us when you could simply just laugh at our ignorance when you see us on the water. Thank you, I have a lot of respect for you people.
Great looking boat, picked my Z7 up in July and there nothing like picking up a new boat and fishing out of it the first time, hope you enjoy yours as much as I'm enjoying mine.
Jimmy, i would ask to have that carpet fixed for sure. Its a new boat and it should be perfect.
SWEET boat man! I would love that, and Eli would too with the 200!!!

You'll love the hot foot and wheel trim, we were out this AM running back to the ramp, and a wayword set of rollers came up as soon as the nose started to rise, with 2 hands on the wheel I let off the hot foot slightly and trimmed down the nose, kept her on plane and didn't launch Dan out of the boat!!! LOL
Nice ride Jimmy, you guys are going to make me put a hotfoot and blinker trim in mine ! Hit a wake yesterday and wished I had them, got a little airborne at around 55mph.

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