nitro z6 rough water

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Junyaah G

Jun 27, 2012
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I took my z6 out yesterday to take the boys out swimming and bluegill fishing. we headed up the lake and with all the traffic and it being a little windy, the water was a lil rough. Being that im still new to boating I had a time with porpoising. i noticed tho when i give it the gas and got my trim up it rode could handle the waves a lil better. coming across someones wake i would just slow down.

I did see a trick loading the boat onto the trailer though. haha. a guy backed his trailer into the water and had a rope tied to his boat and just pulled it on to the trailer..i thought why didnt i think of that haha..not real good at loading either

Still learning
Why pull the boat on the trailer with a rope when you can just drive it on ?
because im a rookie and it seems to take forever..It was busy out there and i didnt want to hold no one up so i used the rope..i practice driving it on if no one is waiting..boat ramp courtesy..i am new to boating and i am still learning. :D
I feel ya, To be honest I have never unloaded or loaded the boat on the trailer. The wife does it she is a natural.

You should see the looks she gets from all the guys. I back the trailer in and unhook the strap and she drives it off and reverse for loading. 2 min tops, Keep practicing you'll get it.
haha i wished my gf would try it..she is scared to hurt it.

Im fine for now with the rope trick lol it worked really good. and no one had to wait on me.
If you are having a hard time driving on the trailer there is a good chance you are backing the trailer in to far. Every boat is a little different, but a good rule of thumb is make sure that the top 1/4 to 1/3 of the trailer fender is out of the water. Also, if the bunks are completely submerged it is to deep in the water.

Good Luck.

My wife was scared also, but with just a little practice she is doing fine. Both loading and unloading. Her worst area is giving the motor enough throttle to completely push the boat to the bow roller when loading. But she's doing better than she ever thought she could do. Hang in there.
I had a posting a while ago called "Still having trouble loading the Z6" and I got some great advice from the guys on this forum - After last three trips to the lake I looked like a pro loading and unloading. (love that LiquidRollers stuff too). is the BEST!

back your trailer in to the water until you have about 1 foot of the front of the bunkers are out of the water will diive right on.....that is if it was set up right at the factory-----