Nitro Warranty Clarification

  • Thread starter Brian Bell2 [URL]
  • Start date
Nitro Owners Forum

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In looking at the warranty "card" that came with the boat it states something about Lifetime warranty for wood, seats, superstructure, compartments.. ect.. and is only valid to the orig. owner.. Has anyone figured out what the warranty is:

ex: How long is the hull, deck, transom, stringers covered. Which is pretty much the major componants I am concerned with. thanks

Anyone have this info it would be helpful, the warranty card is not easy to understand.

The way I read it its 10 years on the hull only.The 9 series has a lifetime warranty on the hull.Thats from the pamplet I picked up at bps when I bought mine.Hope it helps.
Ruger is your ride a 2004 ? check out the URL I posted up top. It states limited lifetime on NX and LX series, and there is a card in my boat that says the same thing, just cnat figure out what the heck they mean by structural...
"structural" - anything that doesn't need repairing. Anything that breaks is not structural. :)

I believe structural is the "skeleton" of the hull, stringers and such. A floor, deck, top cap, etc are not structural. Gel coat isn't structural. I'd say if you imagined taking the top cap/liner off the boat, the remainder, minus pumps, electrical, and gel coat is "structural".

Of course, they're lawyer agrees more with the top definition :).
Ah crap.. I can't edit it... :(

I DO know the difference between "their", "they're" and "there". HONEST... I can't believe I screwed up. Miss Manners is gonna beat me.
With Nitro: The Warranty is going to cover anything that can't possibly break. And if they screw-up on a design, they'll fix the design flaw and then offer warranty on the "newer models" that don't need it. Buy at your own risk. Or buy a Ranger and don't worry about it.
LOL @ Snowman!

You must have had Sister Mary Perpetual Patience in 5th grade English class standing over you menacingly slapping her palms with a ruler, too! It drives me up a wall when I make mistakes with those three words!