Nitro Handoff!! She's Home!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK the deal is done, i'm now officialy a TWO boat guy!! Tin and Glass! OK so just a two boat guy till I sell the Tracker in Sept.

Light wasen't comming from the correct side but here is a shot of Rich "handing" off the boat to me this morning! We did the walkthrough at his place and then on-lake training for me on how to drive this red rocket!!

Eli and I will take her out after dinner for a cruise to see if I and launch and load her by myself!! Its 105 heat index in the shade here today!!

Tonite will probably be my only run with her till I get back from Canada. Tex and I leave next Friday and are back in Atlanta late Sept 4th.

She sure is purdy with them sparkles!!!

2005 Aug 20 Nitro Handoff.jpg
Sorry to see her go, but good that she's staying "in the family."

Thanks, Michael.
We have been TRYING to tell you this for years...Them Sparkels catch fish(erman)HA HA HA Nice looking boat your In for a suprise....Have fun..JR
Just took her on my first solo run (Eli decided to go play with Noah and the neighboor kids), need to get my GPS installed after Canada - had her up to 50 on the paddlewheel speedo on the humminbird 300 on a smooth strech of river. I will have to get used to the ride and control. The one nice thing about the tracker, at 28-29mph unless it was a huge cruiser going buy, she rocked but stayed at speed. The Nitro at mid-40s on those big waves I hae to slow down, as Rich told me "she's light and powerful she'll LAUNCH if let her!!"

LOVE the Hot Foot, though i'll need to get used to the pressure, gotta start doing leg lifts!!! LOL

Now she'll sit for 2 weeks till Tex and I get back from Canada late on Sept 4th!
Michael, in rough conditions, you learn to get active with the trim. Trimming down a little bit will keep the boat connected to the water when you hit those rollers.
Maybe it's the angle but it looks like if you unhook the nose she would do a back flip..... Jesus that motor looks hugh!!!!!:eek:
Trust me Seat time is the only thing that will help. Going from tin to glass this year also, I can tell you nothing you read will prepare you for the boating skills you will need now. I am still learning the big water skills. A 21 mile run in the am, took 20 mins, in the afternoon because of the wind I took an hour getting back. I am learning but I still need more time.

Good Luck and Best Wishes

Good looking rig Michael. I hope you enjoy it.. My brother's looking for a boat so let me know what you are going to ask for TIN rig. He'll travel if the deal is good enough.

Ed - You just made me think of something I need to add to my "to do" list when I get back from Canada - Ensure the trailer is 100% LEVEL when attached to my van I may need to drop and inch or to in hieght on the hitch mounting. And YES that I-4 is HUGES. I'm thinking I need to get some red sparkly stickers or something to make the transition from boat to motor look cooler!!

Bruce - Thanks for the encourangement, i'm sure i'll be posting a LOT of questions on both driving and maintenance!! Bit I tell ya that 115 SCREAMS!!!

Oh and Rich - Not one problem launching or loading by myself, was almost TOO easy!!!

P.S. Rich - If I didn't say it enough on Sat - Thank you for the Site, the time fishing together and now the opportunity to be not only the 3rd owner of this boat BUT also the 3rd NTOWS owner too!!

If you (or anyone else for that Matter) makes the Allatoona Rally that i'm trying to set up, since you are basicaly fishing-boat empty at the moment, you can fish with me if big Dan doesn't get ya first!!
Take it easy so that glass won't crack:lol:

Congrats Trepster:D