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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I figure with this group of guys I might be around a while. What about a nickname for a handle what do you think? My nickname around home is Beezer and at church and school its Bez or Bezer. they used to call me SeaBass. That was from this shirt I would wear for football practices....anyways...what do ya'll think

OK, I've been thinking really hard about this and I think you should call yourself....................


I'm so creative I scare myself.

I'm with Harpo!

BJ says it all!

It is who YOU are!

"My name is Forest Gump; but my friends call me....."

Still just.....

I had a friend in high school who's full name was DJ. Really his name was Dalton but he certianly was too cool to go by Dalton so his nickname was Dee. His last name was Jay so he was Dee Jay or just DJ. One of the coolest names I've ever known.

I like short cool handles.."BJ" is not common and won't be confused by anybody here I don't think. You could kinda' "play it up" a little by...when someone asks you what the "BJ" stands could have a lot of fun with it:)

Thats why I havent changed my handle on this site. Nobody that i know of has the handle Travis.

BJ is original and I dont get it confused with anybody else.

Ok Ballou. "Bare Necessities, those simple bare necessities, forget about your trouble and your I won't get that song outta my head all day!!


ps....what was the snakes name??
"Kaa" is the sssssnake,....."Shere Khan" is the Man eating tiger..."Baloo" is the Bear,.."King Louie" is an Orangutan, and of course "Mogli"..the "Man Cub"....what a great movie!!
Whatthehellareyouguystalkinabout? Oh I fogot..Mac's here....

Must be cartoons!:)

I agree..sounds like he knows it by heart:)
I have 2 daughters...I saw that movie everyday for 2 years when they were little!!

(But I still had to look up the names on a web search!!.LOL)

My sister and I used to watch 101 Dalmations all the time and my first day of kindergarten I called my bus driver Cruella Devil....Not a good way to start my school career.

If you are very, very lucky......

.....your life will be "not exciting".....

.....only your fishing tournaments will be! LOL!!

I actually gave this some extended thought, since you wanted suggestions. I see that you have decided to stay with BJ, and that's cool, but I do have a suggestion.

Given that you are a young man, in pursuit of training, learning and your dreams; you appear to be thoughtful and of good nature; you have come to the 'center of wisdom' for all things boat and fishing related; it just seems that the following fits well.

Therefore, I unofficially bestow upon you the nickname of:

Grasshopper (pronounced with almost a silent 'h', with a slight oriental accent)

This in the true honor of those that seek true wisdom and guidance at the feet of their masters (tounge completely in cheek!).

Just be careful because you might end up resembling your "handle".....TOXIC found me, I didn't find it.... and it has stuck for many many years.

That would be "Grasshoppa"! You have snatched the pebble from my hand...Now GO FISHIN" DUDE!!!!!!