New Triton pics

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Eric Aasen

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Pics of my new ('04) Tr21X are in my folder. Just picked it up yesterday and can't wait to start chasing stripers around the Delta. Let me know what you all think.

Very nice boat. It is nearly identical to my neighbors [his is single console]. It is a great ride--albeit a bit too fast for my tastes.
Very nice upgrade Eric, i am probably going to be around clear lake and the delta

when the BASS big boys are out here next spring. maybe i will see you on the water.

i know you like fishing both places.

Nice looking rig... I like white boats... So I really like this setup
Thanks guys. I'm really excited to get it out on the water. It came with PinPoint electronics so I will need to figure out a new system.


I spend about equal time at Clear Lake and the Delta. I'm always looking for a 911 with 250 Verado! I fish with Alan Fong (Fun Fishing TV show) quite a bit so I'm familiar with your 911 set-up. Always will have a soft spot for Nitros. I'll still have Gone Fishin Marine do my Mercury service. See you out there. Stripers are running right now!

Yep, Real Nice setup. Pretty funny about you talking about the Delta due to I was going to put my Reservation in this morn for my Yearly Clear Lake run in March. I need to get there the week before the BASS Tourney starts. Have fun with the new ride.

Max <><
Nice ride! Looks almost identical to my TR-20X. Mine is white with "performance blue" (black with very little blue flakes). Congrats!

All the best,

Eric, i have been catching stripers at San Luis the last couple of weeks, and really need

to get up to the delta while the striper fishing is good... ;)
Awesome boat! Maybe once everybody gets on board we can make this the Tritonowners site. Huge difference in the ride from Triton to Nitro.
Yeah, you don't have to go to the gym to build up arm a toon and you'll be popeye in no time. I don't usually talk down other brands but EVERY boat has it's shortcomings we all realize that. If there was a perfect boat hands down, we'd all be driving one. Go over to a Triton site and start telling them how you think your NITRO, Ranger, Skeeter, ChampioN etc., is better than a toon and see the responce you get. The nicest thing about this site is that we DON'T bash other brands, it's non-productive. We welcome ALL brands but We don't like getting trash talked either. I like my NITRO and personally wouldn't buy a toon but that's me and I don't begrudge anyone who does. So let's keep it real. It's all good as long as you are on the water.

Not meaning to hijack the thread. Nice Rig Eric, I'm sure you'll love it. Keep us posted on how she performs.

Awesome boat! Maybe once everybody gets on board we can make this the Tritonowners site. Huge difference in the ride from Triton to Nitro.

There are tons of Triton owners sites that you can go to. Nobody is stopping you.

Just wondering when you bought this website from Rich that you can now turn it into a Tritonowners site ??

BTW ..... NOCAL....

Beautiful rig. Tritons are second on my best looking boat list, right behind Gamblers. Enjoy and let us know how she runs.

Beautiful rig Eric!! That really looks great. I think it's the simple color scheme I like. It looks fast just sitting there.:)

Toxic and Steve, thanks for getting here before me.:lol:
Hey, I didn't buy a Triton because of any problems with my Nitro. Given the chance, I would have bought a 9 series Nitro. This deal came up and I jumped on it but I would never rule out buying another Nitro. My buddy who does a local fishing show here in Northern Cal was a devout Ranger man. For the show, a local marina gave him a 911 with 225 Opti. He is now a convert. The ride and speed are equivalent or better than a Ranger. The stability is great. The cockpit layout allows 3 people to fish without getting in each others way. Overall, it is a great boat. Don't know why someone has to come to a site dedicated to a brand and start bashing them. Do you go to a Chevy site and say how good Fords are?

Anyway, it's supposed to rain this weekend, I want to go duck hunting, and I haven't switched insurance yet, so I probably won't get out this weekend. Maybe sneak away one day next week and chase stripers around. Thanks for all the encouragement and support.

Bid Daddy - bad move bro. Please don't go there. I own a Triton, and the other people on this NITRO board are kind enough to let me continue to post. I just re-arrange the letters in Triton, and drop the extra T, and they welcome me here. :lol::lol::lol:

All the best,

Naw, it's because we don't agree with you and you just proved it. Many success stories here with Tracker CS and 99% are happy with their rides. One of the best things about a NITRO is the ride, sounds like you need to hang around and keep quiet for a while and see how we operate. With 40 posts to your credit, you haven't earned the right to bash. Hang onto your hat, because there are some here that don't share my diplomatic restraint!!

I didn't even mention Tracker's horrible customer service, how cheaply Tracker products are made, that Procraft...I mean Nitro is an entry level boat, so I guess you should expect it.

I'm just wondering why you would sell one cheaply made,bad riding,horrible customer service,entry level Tracker......

......and buy a cheaply made,bad riding,horrible customer service,entry level Procraft....I mean Nitro ???????

You would think you would have learned the first time.????
Nice Triton! I too own a Triton but still hang around this site because of the good people and the great information. Loved my Nitro too when I had it and to this day woudn't bash Nitro since my boat was rock solid. All of the boat manufacturers have their problems. Regardless of what brand of boat you own if you stick around this site you will find a great bunch of people.
Big daddy personally i dont believe for a second that between a triton and a nitro of equal size that the triton rides a world better, or really even better at all. I have been in enough tritons and passed more then enough in rough water no know what the real deal is.

All the tritons i have been in ride wet and not exactly "soft" if you know what i mean.

Sure a 20' triton will ride much better then a 17' nitro or something like that but thats not really a fair comparison.
Toxic -
Hang onto your hat, because there are some here that don't share my diplomatic restraint!!

Yeah, you are one diplomatic dude. Hit me with a 2 x 4 just to get my attention! LOL

Big Daddy if you think Tracker and Nitro are so bad why bother posting on this site. I have yet to see any Nitro owners here bash other boats sure everyone has a opinion but when it

get's to the point of just being hateful keep it to your self.

We all share a common factor we Love to fish and if it takes a Nitro,Triton,Ranger or any other boat to get out on the water who cares just have fun and Thank God you are able to own a boat there a alot of people who would give up alot in life to have a boat and would take anything they could afford no matter what make of boat it is.. I love my Nitro and would buy another in a second.

No Cal Nice boat man have a blast and fill it with fish:D
