New to the Nitro Family!!!

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Mar 31, 2010
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Hello everybody!!!

Just bought a 1996 160 tf and love it so far...

But I am looking into replacing some cosmetic stuff like carpet, buff it up a little bit and replace the lettering on it.

Any suggestions, help, sites.. anything you can share with me will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Carlos :D
Welcome to the family Carlos! For any questions just post away, and over 10 years of loyal members will be at your beck and call! Oh and check under the "More" menu on the upper right and then look in "Grab Bag" for projects from the members over the year.

Fish on!

For carpet, check out...

To make it shine like new again, read the post at the following link about wet-sanding and buffing.

Vinyl Approach has Nitro decals or you could get Darrel at Iguana Grafix to make up a set for you.

got your email and hope in some way I was a help. As i said in my mail you won't find a better bunch of guys than here.Again ,check arcives or just posta question and someone will have an answer.

Good Luck and happy fishing:rolleyes:

Hey Carlos, Congrats on the boat! I had a 1995 170TF for ten years and loved it. Glad to help you with any questions. Enjoy bro' and good fishing.

Welcome and congrats on tjhe new boat... You will like it here...
WOW!!!! Thank you all very much for all your input and good wishes.

I found a lot of what I was looking for with the help I got from you.

Now, I just got to get my hands on some work and get busy!!!

I'll keep you all posted with my progress.

I have a 1995 160TF. I love the little boat. I had mine re-carpeted a couple years ago. I put Ranger carpet in it. The guy who did the job for me recommended Ranger or Bass cat carpet. It cost a little more, but I intend on kepping my boat. I have been thru my boat completely. Anything I can help with, let me know. You won't find a better site.

Welcome aboard,

welcome............and check ebay for decales...but IQUANA IS THE BEST ...also google Tracker Marine and you will find abunch of fishes :cool: