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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Went and took a lunchtime stroll through the boat show across the street (it's in the same convention center as last year's Classic show - for those that were here). Only 5 type's of bass boats (Triton's, Rangers, Skeeters, Nitro's and Champion's).

Most interesting were all the new Z Series boats that had show specials/markdowns from $7,500 to $8,000. About $380.00/month for 15 years with 10% down (more or less).

Most interesting boat to see:

That huge black Walleye Pro with a 225 on it from Bass Pro. Ordered it in special for the show. Man, what a boat!

Not much else to say about the show other than, there were NOT too many jet ski's at all. Kinda surprised.

Met Michael (Sales Manager from BPS Charlotte), finally.

Hey Tex -- When you gona order one of those "black boat"..


The dealer here in KC was setting up on with the 250 4stk and the Pro Kicker--and lots of extra electonics--

I wonder if you get more fish from this boat---??

Sure would like to go for a ride in one--

It was a very nice looking rig. In about 6 months when they haven't sold this one, you could probably get a deal.

I forgot all about the boat show this weekend. And to think I was right beside it today and didn't even look over there. Oh well, with the wife out of town with the truck and I won't get to go fishing, I guess I will go drool over some new rigs.

Thats the ONLY thing I hate about the south (besides the POOR schools ;-) Is that at the boat shows NOT deep V, Walleye or larger Aluminium rigs!! I was hoping at the Tracker display (sorry big Dan!) to see a 18/20/21ft Tundra and I don't think I saw an Avalanche either!!! I do remember 5 years ago when i bought the Tracker (yup, some friendly Tracker/BPS dude got some commission off me) their were Crestiners, Lunds and Starcraft tin boats, didn't notice any this year other then a FEW triton and stratos tin boats.

Come on now Tex, don't you miss the Targa 18??? Go blow the cash and get a Team Tundra 21 with a 250 Verado!!!!
The problem with boat is limited and very expensive. I will only bring to a show what I believe will actually sell.

Around this part of the country that big schooner would rot on the trailer before someone showed an interest in it.
As always, Goff is right on the mark. It makes no sense to chew up ex$pen$ive display space to show an item that, by demographics, might get a few looks and possibly (read: huge longshot) a sale. The NMMA show is for new product unveiling and new toy gawking, not a retail show. We used our largest display space in Atlanta to date for representing a balanced spectrum of our full line of boating products that appeal to the immediate area/market. With recent record sales I gotta beleive we hit our target. Sorry Trep!

FWIW - I was hoping to see a water skiing squirrel and didn't get to!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

Finally home after what seems like weeks away - Tex it was good to meet you. That "black boat" did get alot of attention, and by having it there was able to sell a new 2003 Tundra 20 that was still at the shop. This show really isn't a fishing show...every year the number of fishing boats gets smaller and smaller. Make sure you swing by the store next month during the Fishing Classic - things will be happening then!


Good meeting you also. I'm sure I'll be up for the Classic next month - sometime. I'll be by the store on the first day of the sale, and then probably come up for the big show also.
