New Post re Towing Someone in

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Dewey Leggett

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
Not that I disagree with everyone on the prior post about stopping to render assistance (if you have ever been towed in, you know you should stop and do the same), but it got me thinking. The question seems easy for a small tourney, but if you were fishing in a large BASS or FLW event and you were in the final 12, and you were running in at the end of the day thinking you had the thing won, would you stop and render assistance and take a chance on missing weigh-in and $100,000? In other words, does the view that it a moral obligation get impacted any by the money? Maybe cell phone in their location? Maybe tell people at weigh-in? Maybe stop and help right then? Just curious as to what everyone thought..
Life is more important than money, period.

If it were I, I would stop and check for safety, and either offer a ride in to the team -members or phone in coordinates... Towing would probably not be a specific option... beyond that, at the larger tournements, there are camera boats, repair boats, and alot of others available to assist... so making sure they got help would be the first course...

Ignoring them should be grounds for immediate DQ... stopping to assist should give you a "no penalty" if you end up being late, and it can be proven that was the reason...

Good one Jr LOL, Can't wait to tell my buds what they have to look forward to...LOL
Those boaters on the final days of the BIG events as you mentioned all have camera boats with them....and they have access to cell phones. They would never be left stranded like that,.. but you can bet that if anybody in the professional ranks needs assistance on the final day of a big event, another Pro WILL stop.....that's what seperates the Pro's from the rest,....RESPECT!! (They know better than anybody,..what goes around, comes around!)
It's always been my thought that we should try to convince our clubs to waive the on-time requirement if someone is assisting someone else. Maybe we can all work in our various clubs and trails to promote that. As an aside, I have fished a few of the BASS events as an amateur and have seen quite a few boats blow right by a boat that is dead in the water. I know those guys have their little groups, and someone always seems to stop to help, but believe me, it's not always the first one that comes by!!
One of the basic rules of boating is to render assistance on the water when needed.

Disregard my earlier post. I don't know how it ended up in this category and blank on the other?

Everybody has the moral responsibility to render aid if needed. And it is the "LAW". AS far as towing the boat in, I don't think the law requires it. I do think it is the right thing to do if posible. I towed a sail boat out of the locks to a safe area out of the navigational lane with a 15' tri hull bass boat. The owner had ran out of gas and wanted me to towe him way up river to one of the marinas. I told him, I don't have the gas and now I don't think have enought for the trip back to the ramp. I ran out of gas and paddle the rest of the way back. I did what I could for him.

I feel if you can tow them in, you should. I don't think you should blow you engine up in the process.

just my opion.


Good post Dewey
If someone flags me down, or it's apparent that they need assistance - I'm stopping. From there, I would deal with it as needed. Either call for help, get help, or agree to send for help. If there is any type of injury or personal danger involved, I'm staying until it is either resolved successfully, or professionals are on site to assist.

One of the things I always make sure I do is check for the proper cell phone/emergency number when in a tournament (such as the Federation tourneys). I would then check in with the tourney director and let him know what is happening.

If they penalized me or dq'd me, I'd:

1) Holler in public like you wouldn't believe.

2) Not fish their tourney/trail/event again.

Dewey, you make a good point on clubs waiving the the check in time if your helping someone. My club does just that everyone has everyones cell number and all you have to do is call and let someone know and there is no penalty. My club while competitive is also about friendship and having a good time on the water and being safe.
Foul weather changes EVERYTHING. You have a responsibility to that vessel if you are the first boat there. You MUST insure the safety of those on board and that does not mean "I'll send somebody if I run into them and if I'm not fishing, and I'm not running to the weigh in", etc. In good weather I could see send back help but in wind, waves or any less than ideal conditions, I would NOT leave without them. Even if they beached their rig and rode with me (as opposed to towing them in), I would not, could not, pull away. How could anybody?
