New icon?

  • Thread starter Carlos Hathcock III
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Carlos Hathcock III

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
Seems we have a new icon of the members library. Looks cool Rich!!!! Or has this been here and I just missed it???

It's been her for the last year Carlos. You should pay attention more :). I think he's trying to "urge" us to put pics in our libraries.
Darn, Now i have to go buy a digital camera, learn how to use it, learn how to post the pics, thats gonna cut into my fishin' time! KB
I like it! Much easier to ease drop on people now.
Cecil - I'll make you a sweet deal a loaded PC 175!!! LOL

How come you're not fishing??? Get your arse out on the lake if ya wanna catch a fish!

Bob G.
Trep,I hope your not thinking of doing anything crazy.


Say it ain't so Joe.

Bob - I do have to work a little while the wife is gone :)

Steve - NO WAY i'm going Glass, just trying to give Cecil a hard time!!

Cecil - the FIRST time I ever went water sking was on Monroe! I grew up in Indy and a good friend kept a ski boat up on Monroe, so i've been on the lake but never fished it! Still have a large group of friends up your way. But haven't been that way in 10 years.


I love the new icon and the short cut to the Library. I do have one suggestion but I don't know if it's possible because I am not the computer guru that you are.

The STAR icon only appears next to those that have actually posted reports.

Is it possible to only show the library icon next to those that have actual posted photos?

It find myself spending alot of time checking out empty libraries.


I's great to be able to click on a user's library and maybe see what they look like (always nice to place a face with the name)... and to see their ride


now if I could only figure how to upload the pic of my boat
Marke, I would love to be able to implement your suggestion, but it's not simple. The image library is on another server in another data center, and message board performance would be terrible if the folders were checked in real time for whether or not they had uploaded images. There are other possibilities for achieving your suggestion, but they are pretty involved. I may accomplish the improvment at some point. Thanks for suggesting it!

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