New guy here, surgery for fishing parntner.

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Jeffrey Durham

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hello Everyone, New guy here from KY. Recently purchased a 1999 Nitro Sport 175 SE. Love the boat! Anyway, I have been hanging out here for the past couple weeks just soaking in all the info and my head is now hurting. hehehe .. My fishing partner (Stepdad) is undergoing a procedure to fix his irregular ticker (Maybe a pacemaker) and asking you guys and gals for a few prayers. Also, I have really enjoyed all the post and info from everyone. Take care all. Something fishy in KY!:p
New word in, Larry is ok and will not need a pacemaker. Thanks Sue, you pray very well!
Welcome aboard, Jeff!

You shoulda just let the prayers come in and bank them for a rainy day! :lol: I've been through by-pass surgery myself - it's a scarey thing to have heart problems. My thoughts go out to your stepdad in any case.
Welcome Jeff!! Jump in the water is fine!

Welcome Jeff: Prayers on the way: Enjoy the site and don't be afraid to join in.:cool:
Jeff, Wecome from the midnight shift. More prayers coming.

Good to see a Kentucky boy on board. Got prayers heading your partner's way.

Da Bear
Welcome, and glad partner is o.k.

Rich D
Thanks all for the prayers and support. I really love this site, check it often throughout the day. Something fishy in KY!