I was just in there and looks cool but we still can't be in chat and read the board too.
We still need a feature like the AOL "Buddy List" so we can see who's on. I think the chat doesn't get used much because we never know if anyone else is on.
Marke, we're getting there. This revised chat lets me do a lot more as far as getting partipant names outside the chat itself. I am currently thinking about how to best show this list elsewhere.
marke,right click on chat or the board,open in new window,it works that way.i did it last night to see if it would.you can open either in a new window,the new window will be full screen.
I don't think it works any better than the old chat room. There NEVER is anybody in there!!! Thanks Rich for your work. BTW Rich, Were you in BPS store(atlanta) on Saturday between 1-3 pm??? Robert