new 901 with 200 optimax

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mike chip

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Went to a dealer to look at a new 901 with a 200 optimax. sweet boat great price 33k out the door. loaded to the hilt with all options.

my only issue was the battery was covered in corasion and all of the door handle had rust asnd corasion on them. The boat is a demo boat at lake anna marina and looks to be in great shape. the salesman said it was normal and no big deal.

what your opionion.

mike c

battery corrosion is not normal...well, it is... but properly maintained it shouldnt be there.

If they clean it up, I wouldnt worry about it.... also, be sure to check (have them check) that you're getting the right voltage to the fuse panel/main power switch, trolling motor receptacle... this will ensure there is no corrosion on the other ends as well.

None of my business but i don't think that is *normal* to have rust on the fixtures and corrosion on the battery. I don't know the options this boat has but just as a reference i bought a 2004 929 with a 225 opti last feb. It was pertty much standard...with a matrix 65 on the back and a paranha 20 on the bow. The boat had less than 15 hours on it and i got it for less than $25000.00 Still had the new smell in the storage boxes...could not tell it from new. As i said none of my business but there may be better deals around.

Boat must have been stored outside. I store my 929 outside but have never had any rust on anything. I'm suspect. I would not call it normal for a new boat to be rusted.

I do not belive rust is normal unless it has been exposed to salt water Ive got a 929 that I have had for 5 years and used out in the rain many times and I have no rust on any hardware

thats what i told my friend, i also think there are better deals out there but hes still considering it.

TOXIC, it is stored outside but covered. its at lake anna marina. the sales man called and said he had it cleaned up, for whats thats worth. the boat is fully loaded though and hes one of those guys that just might by it because he wont have to wait or break it in.

Mike - The boats at Lake Anna Marina are ALL stored outside and NOT necessarily covered. Joe and Rosie Boggs, the owners of the Marina, are extremely good people, but I don't know about their sales staff.

I can understand the corrosion given the conditions here at the Lake lately. High humidity will corrode the battery terminals. I would make sure they clean them up well, charge the batteries and provide you some form of warranty. Don't know if it is "rust" or just a breakdown in the metal used for the door handles. A good coat of silicone was will take care of that.

$33K seems a little high for the 901, particularly since it is a demo. Lake Anna Marina is NOT a Nitro Dealer. The only Nitro Dealer on the Lake is Anna Point Marina just on the eastern side of the 208 Bridge. Are you sure it is Lake Anna Marina. When you say demo boat is it possible that it was a State Team Boat??????

I don't think you should jump too quickly on this one and shop around a little more. Anna Point Marina is running some end of the year sales and you might be able to pick something up there. Talk to Bill Innes or Dee Kidd (the owner) and tell them I sent you. That will probably get you an increase in price but what the heck! :p

Let us know what you do 'cause I for one am very interested in what deals they are offering.


Bill in VA

Course you could always buy my 896 with a XR 200 fully loaded!

I am selling my 929 DC with a 250 Verado for 32,000. It has everything you could want on a boat and then some and is in mint condition with 30 hours on the motor. There are definitely much better deals to be had out there.