Sorry it has been so long to reply. My "secret" is that I dont eat much at any one sitting (push away from the table after one helping), I dont drink soda pop unless it has alcohol in it and I drink more water than my bladder can stand. Being single does help, no one has food waiting for me when I get home....Oh yes, young women will definately keep you moving, whether I am chasing them or they are chasng me! LOL I wish!
Actually I typically lose 20-30 pounds every summer during the tournament season from not eating while fishing. IF I do eat on the boat, it usually beef jerky. I also sweat a tremendous amount in the heat of the summer (hence all the water to rehydrate).
So, if I moved to Florida or Texas where it is REALLY hot, I guess I would weigh in at about 180 My weight is still too much for my old body. At 5'11 1/2" and 228 pounds I am far from being at "ideal" weight. BUt it sure beats the 258 pounds I was this past winter!