Need to invent a new "gimmick"bait

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Banjo minnow

True motion shiner

Walking Worm

Flying lure

Hover lure

Helicopter lure

Light N Strike strobe lure


These folks have made MILLIONS on unsuspecting, gullible, handicapped anglers like Scott and Trep for years. I say it's time we invented a gimmick lure of our own. I know, I know, I've mentioned this before, but HEY, this is where the rubber meets the road. I'm tired of plumbing and roofing. I want to pay a contractor to do that nonsense. And I'm tired of a Bravada that has a mind of it's own. So whataya say? Who has any brilliant ideas for a new gimmick lure that has "get rich quick" written all over it? With this pool of "geniuses" I ought to be rolling in the dough by next Friday afternoon. LOL

Note: Please, nothing with dynamite or other explosive devices....too expensive to ship and not allowed in tourneys!

I was thinking about the Mike Snow, teeny weeny, finesse schmeckle grubs? Whataya think? They come in 2 colors, "barely thar" and "invisible" for those really tough bite days!

I was thinking that, since so many bass fishermen are from the Bible belt, we could invent "The Bible Lures - God's Answer to Bass Fishing"

There would be four differnet lures in a clear Plano box:




and, finally....

The Fire-tiger Furnace!

(Ref. Daniel 3:26)
I'm with you Rob. It is soooo easy to get rich in this country. For the life of me I can't figure out why I'm still working a 40 hour week....LOL

I'm a whiz with SolidWorks so after the concept I could create all the 3D models and drawings required for manufacturing.

What we really need is a good team of Sales and Marketing guru's. Getting rich quick is about smoke & mirrors. Some strong celebrity endorsement would be good too. Do we have any contacts with fishing celebs here???
Ok why am I thinking Mac needs to develop the S&T creatures into lures?? Hmmm the "Rockasheller gitzit" or the Lucky bass crankbait?? Mac we could be on to something..just remember it was my idea!!

Well, you can try to patent the "Snowman Rig".

This is a heavy sinker used txrigged with a floating bait. The sinker must be heavy enough and the floating bait must be bouyant enough so that you toss the rig where you want it, and the floating bait will acutally stand on its head. You drop the rod a little and it floats up. Pull tight and it hits against the sinker... it mimicks a little minnow trying to eat something on the bottom. This thing works like a charm (in my head).

Maybe call it the Senko Doodle... it almost does nothing, but does more nothing than a Senko but less nothing than the doodle rig.
OK here goes.

Remember the little submarines that you filled with baking soda,and they would dive and surface a few times ?

How about a baking soda powered crankbait ?

A jerkbait that moves vertically ?

A sinking and then surfacing senko,powered by baking soda ?

Chuck it out next to a brushpile and up and down it goes.It's the next new thing,banned at FLW because it catches too many fish.

Only $19.99

and I'll throw in some little piece of plastic junk to go along with it.

Steve R
With the ready availabilty of micro-LED technology, I'm thinking something with a rapidly flashing LED light. R&D to include testing variable flash rates and light colors to see which one drives the bass "nuts" the most. This would be a unit that can affixed in some way to a variety of baits. Reaction bites are effective in such a wide variety of seasons and conditions; and flash on a spinner, chrome trap, spoon, etc. is a known antagonist. An extremely annoying little flasher/flicker-light ought to fire 'em up. I know that "strobe lures" are available, but this would be adaptable to whatever bait is the "meal de jour" under the conditions. Imagine a flicker LED on a jig 'n pig...

I saw Ray Scott pitching one of those on late night t.v. just the other night.

Times must be getting tough.

Okay, this one's going to be a little off-color, so look away if you are strong of morals.

There is an item called the pocket rocket. It's about the size and shape of a chapstick tube and it vibrates. I'm thinking make it waterproof, slap on a couple of trebles, and voila. I'm thinking first as a top-water, but maybe even something to sit on the bottom. Obviously, this isn't meant to attract feeding fish, but more to tick them the heck off. What more could you ask for, the shape of a short, fat Senko, the vibration that would make a spinnerbait jealous, and the noise that would scare a buzzbait off. Then again, make it non-waterproof and shock them into submission :).

I believe the base item is like $20, but with Lucky Craft selling lures for close to that, who knows.

Honestly, I've considered this one for a while now -- no offense meant to anyone.
MIKE SNOW!!!! YOU HAVE GONE TO FAR THIS TIME!!!! You put that in the water and the female fish may quit spawning with the male fish. Then we will have no fish to catch. Think this one through before you try it. lmao Robert
Actually... marketing a new bait is alot harder than you may think. We've been trying to get our spinnerbaits marketed in the stores for over three years. We're to the point now where we are actually having most of them manufactured for us, instead of everything done by hand.

Then again... we're doing everything on our own, and raising the capital via Internet sales instead of just selling our patent to another company to mass produce. It's alot of work... but well worth it when we control our quality standards.

I'm not going to post our URL here because I don't want to be labelled a spammer, but if you are interested it's in my profile. Nothing like that is intended... just wanted to give you a little heads-up as to what to expect if you do create something.

In your first post with the heavy sinker,...

Won't they get nose bleeds when you set the hook and

they bang their little noses on the sinker?????

In the second post,

Let's take the pink stuff out, run grammagotchu trebs all through it, shape it, (let your sick imagination run wild here) spray it varnish (marine)for longevity. That would be ideal for the sows on the bed in the spring.
Geez Nominal, you scared me with your first line. I thought I was once again gonna be at the bottom of the pile-up. :( No nastygrams in my email this morning, so I guess everyone's gonna let me live this time.
Marke, leave the sales and marketing to me. Mac can do the artwork, Mike Snow under NO circumstances is allowed in the infomercial! LOL We can dress Mini up to look like Denny Brauer or Dion Hibdon to "endorse" our product and of course there is always the ever ready for money Bill Dance. For a price, he will endorse anything or his name isn't Bill Dance. Scott and Trep can be the test anglers,

"We've been fishing all our lives and NEVER caught fish like this. This new bait is the perfect answer to poor angling and a great supplement to any advanced tourney anglers bag!"

Toxic can chime in,

"I was a guide on Anna for years, but until this new bait, never really knew all the fish I was missing. Now I have to fend off clients. Also, the peace of mind that comes with now knowing I will catch fish has helped me relax and , bowel movements are once again under control. The states of VA, WV, MD, and Washington DC are now allowing me back into metro areas. This bait is AWESOME!"

Rich Stern is the obvious choice for web design and e-commerce operations.

Ken Neeley will head up Customer Service and of course the company functions.

It's all coming together now. This is it fellas, we're all gonna be filthy stinkin rich!
You don't want me being the test angler - that would squelch sales for sure!

I have some Banjo Minnows anyone want them?

What happened to the remote contol topwater lures you drove around with a control stick on the rod handle?


It's gonna be worth a lot of money someday.
Fatrap---Don't feel bad,I have helicoptor lures.LOL

Mikel--I was dead serious on making one about a year ago.Just couldn't figure it out. I couldn't remember how those little submarines worked.LOL


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