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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I'm done with my Christmas shopping except for my mom.

What do I get her? Any good ideas?

Mom's always like nice, sentimental things.. Do you have a recent picture of yourself that you could put in a nice frame? How about a picture of you AND her? Other than that, and remember I'm from a different generation, my Mom always liked nice linen things like monogramed handkerchiefs, scarfs, etc.. She never wore them or used them but she surely did love them. I wish I could help more BJ. If I think of anything, I'll let you know.

Well, shoot - Dean's list was a good start!! My mom used to tell me that all she wanted from me was for me to be successful. On a more practical note, I don't know of many mom's that couldn't use a bit of pampering. Jewelry is good, but I'm guessing that's probably not in the average student's budget! If there's a spa near her, you could always get her a gift certificate for a facial, massage, or other such treatment. The other thing you could do is a coupon that entitled her to a dinner out with you at the restaurant of her choice (your treat). Otherwise, look around at what she might need. Are her gloves getting ratty? Could she use a new scarf?

Good luck! and Merry Christmas.

BJ, I always get my mother a load of car washes and oil changes that last the year and then usually go in with my brother and sister to have her carpets cleaned in the spring. She deserves a little pampering and this takes care of the hardest jobs each year. :wub:

Merry Christmas everyone!

BJ - Been through this with my Mom, ANYTHING you get her will be PERFECT! We've the last few years as she and we have gotten older have gotten her Gift Cards to her favorite resturants!