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Greg. Avery

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
My Pinpoint TM died , so I am going to get a new one;), what is the feeling on a MK & MG bow mount. Foot control compaired to a hand control (note I have a BAD back):( & standing really does me in after a day on the water.:wacko:
The world is your oyster, bad back and all. Just don't mount the foot pedal to your deck and you can easily fish from the comfort of your rump. Minn Kota's remote control outfit can also help in that regard as you would have a remaote control device that can be strapped to your wrist or hang on your belt.

Hi Greg,

I have been toying with that same idea. My back has been bothering me for a while and it just gets worse after a day of balancing on one foot. I cant give you an opinion because I havent tried it yet. but another option I was thinking about was the Minn Kota Auto pilot. It has a small foot pedal with minimal resistance (electric), or you can set it on a heading and fish. It also has the option of a small hand held remote you can use from anywhere in the boat.

When I can convince my wife, I think thats the way I will be going.

Greg, how about a recessed foot pedal? Can you put one in your boat? It would relieve most of the pressure of standing awkwardly and put less strain on your back.

The remote control would take some getting used to but I am sure you can manage it.

Good luck with it.

Well, I can give you my opinion on the hand control bow mounted MK. I have the 101 and I love it. I could never get used to the balancing act with the foot control and by mid-day my back was giving me fits, besides the uncomfortable feeling of losing my balance and falling overboard. Unless the foot control is recessed mounted your back will give you problems if you are on the TM for any amount of time.

The hand held has a short handle that has three positions up and down which allows a comfortable position for the front seater. I have attached an 18" MK handle which allows me to operate the TM while standing OR sitting on my butt seat. I also have a 30" handle but find it is too long, except when I take my butt seat out.

Short of getting one of the automatic trollers with the remote I would go with the hand held. Jaws can check my TM out tomorrow when he comes to fish Anna and let you know what he thinks.

My pennies worth!
No opinion other than to say, I am also thinking of going with a hand control for the same reasons...

Rich D
Thanks guys its good to have a fishing family to get advice from :rolleyes: Randy I can't recesse it & Marty I have a friend that has the remote & I did not like that so I guess I will go with the hand control;) Now I think I will go with the MK , but do we have any opinion's on the MK over the MG.:wacko: Jaws let me know how you liked Bill's hand control.

I cant comment on hand vs foot, ive always used foot control on a bassboat.

As far as Minnkota vs Motorguide. Minnkota all the way. In my lifetime i have owned 5 motorguides and every one(with one exception) has busted within a year, most within months. My fav was the 50# brute that my champ came with. Cooked 4 armatures in one summer. they replaced the whole motor twice only to have it continue to cook. The dealer also replaced every part in the TM system including the wires. The only one that never broke was the one included with my nitro, i never gave it a chance. It was removed and swapped for a minnkota the second it hit my driveway. I have also never liked motorguides mounts and every one i have ever used has been loud.

I currently own 3 minnkotas. One is my 36# tiller mount. I have had that thing at least 15 years. Its seen a lot of use and the only thing that has ever been replaced is th econtrol switch, i just flat wore it out. I still use it when i use my rowboat and its still quiet and works great. I also have a 74# maxxum that i bought to put on my champ in 98. When i sold the champ i kept the trolling motor and put it on my nitro. I ran that one until late summer2005. I wore out the mount so i replaced the whole deal. The only problems i ever had with that 74# was with the control box on the top of the motor. I can only take being run into docks so many times before it breaks :D I still have this motor kisking around as a spare. I currently have an 80# maxxum pro on my nitro. Its been problem free in the year and change i have used it. Like my other minnkotas its been solid, super quiet and great on battery life.

I recommend the maxxum line highly. The mount is sturdy, they are quiet and tne new ones even have temp in the universal sonar. Get a 24 with the maximizer circuit and you will be all set.

Unless the foot control is recessed mounted your back will give you problems if you are on the TM for any amount of time.

Bill i have to disagree with you on that. My foot pedal is not flush mounted, never has been and i dont have any issues with my back. Im also one of those guys that pretty much has his foot on the pedal all day. I dont use a seat either unless the water is rough.

I can see if you already have back problems that it could be an issue but i dont have back problems and the pedal does not aggrivate it in the least bit.
Jim - You must not be old, like me. LOL I agree on the Maxxum mount. I have that on my #101 (Carlos says at full power I can get on plane - ha ha). It is quiet and except for replacing the top cover (my fault) I have not had any problems in over 4 years. In fact, I am still using the same three Interstate Batteries (it's a 36 volt system). Same goes for my staring battery.

Lots of pros and cons on the hand versus foot and it is really a personal preference for most. The MK foot control is lower to the deck than the MG which may be helpful, but for my money I will stick with the hand held.
Try one thing before you switch or make up your mind. After I had been guiding for a while, I noticed my back was taking a beating. Teddy told me to get rid if the butt seat and just stand on the front deck. It allows you to hit the TM from different angles whereas a butt seat puts you in the same position every time you use the TM. I won't say that it didn't take some getting used to and confidence that I was not going to take a swim but after a while, my back is much better and I am confident on the deck in most all water. If you need to actually sit (like the walleye guys...:lol:), then a hand control may be the way to go. I will still use the butt seat in extreme conditions.

I've got to sit and I use a foot control and can just kick it around to different positions as I need to. I don't know why guys stand all the time unless they are sight fishing.

Uncle Billy
I've had both Minn Kota on my boat and Motor Guide. I had absolutely no problems with the Motor Guide. I replaced it with a Minn Kota, because I hit a dock at speed and broke the stabilizer [fin] off the MG motor housing. I picked the Minn Kota as a replacement so I could get the auto-pilot. I had absolutely no problems with the Motor Guide. After two seasons, I've had one $65 repair--replaced the mother board. I find I don't use the auto-pilot that much and I don't like the foot pedal that came with the MK; I can't get used to the left/right turning movement [side to side pronation foot movement]. If I get another trolling motor, the decision will be simply based on price. I think both products are very good.

My earlier recommendation was based on your back issue. I don't know that I would like the remote control either.
I have a MG for my Nitro and a MK for my Bantam. Both are good. Never had a problem with either. I actually like the foot control. I have a lot more control and I never have to take my hand off my rod. You can still sit and fish with a foot control. I do it when I am Dropshotting but I would rather stand.

Max <><