Need advice on Sospenders usage

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Got a new Sospenders PFD this year, and will be using it for the first time in about 10 days. It's the biggest one (flotation wise), and is automatically triggered when in water. Here's my question(s).

I understand that I must wear it all of the time (really the reason that I bought it), to be classed as a PFD by the Wardens and such. I also understand that water activates it. However, I'm trying to get a feel for how much 'rain and/or wave water' it takes to activate it.

If it's going to be a pretty wet day (raining), how likely is it that the unit will trigger and inflate?

Also, since I will be riding in the 'open' at least some of my tournament time (Federation non-boater), how much 'bow spray' and 'wave water' will it take before triggering? I have Santee Cooper coming up in 2 months, so I expect that I will be in 'big water'.


It will take alot of water spray/rain. But whn you reach the limit you certainly will know it! lol

Actually in the past few years they have dramatically increased the amount of incidental exposure it will take. Dont worry about it, wear it (outside your rain gear, unless your rain gear is baggy enough).

You should be fine. I've had mine soaked good in rain storms without a problem. (Until I accidently steamed the poppit. Kabloowee!) It takes a few seconds submersion to pop the CO2 to inflate. Hang dry after getting them wet. (Away from direct heat!) I've had pretty good luck with mine overall. Once you get use to having them, you'll hardly notice you've got them on.
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I read all the warnings and such about folks putting them on under a coat/sweater, etc. I bet that's an experience that you don't want to have.

DO NOT wear them under anything no matter how baggy. Have had mine now for a few seasons. Wave/Rain/Bow spray has never set mine off. However, I do recommend replacing the bobbins every 6 mos. Mine has gone off twice in my garage due to old bobbins. I think you'll be happy you've got it. I always keep a spare vest in the boat though just in case.
I love looking under the console and seeing a big yellow "thing".... And, I had one get sprayed just right at the car wash while in the back of my truck... But, I have never had them go off in the boat... raining like heck and they didn't deploy... This is my fourth season and I love them

Check and make sure that the CO2 cyl is screwed in tight into the assembbly. Both of mine were loose and were so losoe they would not have deployed if needed.
