Need a little pep talk guys

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Kim Becker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
I just had to inform 15 employees that they are laid off indefinately. I've done it before and it is never easy. I hate to say it is a tough day for me because I know it is much harder for them.
There is not much you can do to stop feeling bad about it; in fact, if you didn't feel bad about it, then I would question your ability to lead. That said, unless you had a direct involvement in causing these folks to get laid off you can't and shouldn't dwell on it. Don't internalize or agonize--feel concern, but move on. Sounds cold, but ruck up and cope. Sad news.
There are a number of people (likely higher than 15) who's job you saved today by way of this layoff. Nver easy, but essential.

I don't know much about what you do or the people involved, but I've personally had been involved in plant closures before. I will never ever forget a dear older lady that told me not to carry such a heavy burden. She said that we still have our family, we have our church, our town, and our friends. All we lost today was our job. We can get another job if we want one. Her message was we will be OK, this is just a job, and I certainly took it more seriously and personal than she did. As Marty alluded, if it felt good, you are not human and should not be in the job you are in. This shows that you care, and I personally appreciate it, and understand what you are going through. But we live in a great prosperous country, and we all should be thankful indeed for that. On the positive side, this sounds like a reduction, not a closing. Closings are pretty final.
Been there, done that, and it sucks. I work alone these days, and that's one of the reasons I prefer to.

Chin up, Beck. Somewhere down the road, you'll offer a job to someone who really needs one, and change their world for the better.


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