Need a joke

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I have a friend of mine who is about to turn 15 and she is excited about getting her permit and all so she can drive. Her parents let her drive to church the other day. (about a minute fromt their house). I can't find any jokes about driving or anything when you are about to get a permit or something. Does anyone here have anytihng?

Johnny had just received his brand new driver's license. The family goes out to the driveway and climbs in the car, where he is going to take them for a ride for the first time.

Dad immediately heads for the back seat, directly behind the new driver.

"I'll bet you're back there to get a change of scenery after all those months of sitting in the front passenger seat teaching me how to drive," says the beaming boy to the his dad.

"Nope," comes dad's reply, "I'm gonna sit here and kick the back of your seat as you drive, just like you've been doing to me all these years."

My Kinda Driving Rules

Turn signals will give away your next move. A real driver never uses them.

Under no circumstances should you leave a safe distance between you and the car in front of you or the space will be filled in by somebody else putting you in an even more dangerous situation.

Crossing two or more lanes in a single lane-change is considered going with the flow.

The faster you drive through a red light, the smaller the chance you have of getting hit.

Never, ever come to a complete stop at a stop sign. No one expects it and it will inevitably result in you being rear-ended. If you want your insurance company to pay for a new rear bumper, come to a complete stop at all stop signs.

A right lane construction closure is just a game to see how many people can cut in line by passing you on the right as you sit in the left lane waiting for the same jerks to squeeze their way back in before hitting the orange construction barrels.

Braking is to be done as hard and late as possible to ensure that your ABS kicks in, giving a nice, relaxing foot massage as the brake pedal pulsates. For those of you without ABS, it's a chance to stretch your legs.

Never pass on the left when you can pass on the right. It's a good way to scare people entering the highway.

Speed limits are arbitrary figures given only as suggestions and are apparently not enforceable during rush hour.

Just because you're in the left lane and have no room to speed up or move over doesn't mean that a driver flashing his high beams behind you doesn't think he can go faster in your spot.

It is traditional to honk your horn at cars that don't move the instant the light changes.

Remember that the goal of every driver is to get there first... by whatever means necessary.

I decided to stop worrying about my teenage

son's driving and take advantage of it. I got

one of those bumper stickers that say,

"How's my driving?" and put a 900 number

on it. At 50 cents a call, I've been making $38 a week.
