Need a job

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
My mom wasn't too happy with BJ this weekend about not bringing home a Well she is now on me to get a job. I used to work in what was called aftercare at my school. I HATED IT! the kids were freaking annoying and my boss was my moms best friend and she is nice when she isnt at is her way or the highway..I mean little things that get real annoying. I will only work for her as a last resort. The thing is I would like to set up my own business as a LLC. The only thing is I have no idea what it would do. Do any of you have ideas of where I could work???? Because of tournaments I can't work on Fridays and some Thursdays or Saturdays. Sundays are out because of church. This leaves Monday Tuesday and Wednesday to work with most Thursdays probably three a month.

Thanks for any help!

With those hours it sounds like you need to be elected to the Congress or become a consultant. A consultant needs to know a little about something so maybe the Congress might be your best bet.



Have you tried BPS or OKC Bass?
Joke "deleted"

(I was going to be the first to order some from you too!! LOL)

Ohwell....carry on young man....even Bill Gates had a few crapola jobs before he found his "niche".

I can't wait to see where this one goes!!

Thats ok Mac!

I build baits for a local company (Red River for ya'll Okie guys)I guess i am looking for a second job....

Harpo-Chuck the owner (OKC BASS)is a friend of ours, I would ask him but its 45 minutes from my house, only 20 to 25 from school though.

How 'bout the Academy on the south side. They're always looking for part-timers.

So you assemble baits for Shonn huh? I've wondered why some of those spinnerbaits always try to head off towards Lake Hefner. ;>)

I hope you find one to your liking BJ. When I turn 16 I'm hopeing to get a job at my local sportsmans warehouse. I know the guy in the head of the fishing department pretty well and I hope he can get me in. I think it would be the perfect job. It would be cool if you could get a job in a fishing related buisiness. Josh
Just goes to show ya...I went in to a "retailer" for a possible sponsorship deal and he practiclly got on his hands and knees begging me to work for him. LOL Just what I need... another friggin job that don't pay!!

During the summer I do odd jobs around my neighborhood even though it is not that big. I work for my neighbor across the street mowing grass, taking care of his dog when he is hunting or at work, cut wood, and other miscellaneous things around the yard. My other neighbor down the road I work for is a farmer so during spring I help him with calving, putting hay and straw up through the summer months and, castrating the cows too. During the winter I do odd jobs at my Dads shop that he owns on Saturday mornings from 5am till 4 PM. I earn $5 per hour mowing grass for my neigbor and working for my dad and $7.50 per hour working for the farmer.

I am also working on getting another job for the summer motnths to with my finances but at only 15 years old im sure it will be kind of tough to do.

ROFLAMAO @ "castrating the cows" I LOVE IT!!

Now there's a job even I could handle. I wonder what that pays?

Sorry Travis, I hope I didn't rib ya too hard.


My old friend, Dave, grew up in Decorah, Iowa..... He received a degree in Biology..... One summer, he had a job as a "Chicken Sexer"!! Right after the chicks hatched in the incubator, he would pick them up, spread their wings and check for tiny slits. Those with slits grew up to be hens and went in one box; those without grew up to be roosters and went in a different box.

How'd ya like to spend 8 hours a day, five days a week for three months doing that, BJ??!!??

Better go make up to your mother's friend - you could be a Chicken Sexer! {ROFL!!}
Yeah but the "rocky mountain oyster" feed afterwards is worth the work!! I've done it with bulls (they can't be to old) and sheep. I've also "pulled" sheep when a farmer's sons were all gone somewhere and the ewes started "lambing". I spent a whole afternoon with my arm inserted into various sheep up to the elbow. I did apologize after each time!! You have to reach up there with a piece of rubber wrapped chain that is attached in a loop to a handle (somewhat smaller than an hatchet handle) kinda looks like a lip twitch for any horse people, and wrap the chain around the front legs and work the lamb out. Quite an interesting experience to say the least.

Makes looking at chick hineys sound like a picnic!!LOL

no thanks Me! I think I will stick with the local tackle shop.

It was an experience Sooner...but it pays well enough for me....LOL
