Navionics Platium+ Chip? Massachusetts area

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Bass Tracker

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Was Wondering if someone possibly who lived in Massachuetts, or New England, Could tell me if on the Navionics Platinum + Chips, The Concord River,Sudbury River, atleast "show up" as bodies of water? I know they are not listed as official contoured maps, but I would like to know if they appear on my HDS5 (that i will be buying soon) as bodies of water.

The reason I ask, I can buy the HDS5 with Enhanced BasMap for $650 OR I could spend and extra $100 for the insight maps..But I am going to buy the navionics platiunum Chip for I think $199.99. So I really dont want to spend the extra $100 for the "Insight" model, If I dont have to...

Thanks again

I can check and see for you tonight.

To be honest i wouldnt worry about it too much if they arent on there. The non coutoured lakes arent generally very accuratye so you wont realyl use them for navigation purposes.
Thanks Jim, I would appreciate that.

Am I right in thinking I shouldnt spend the extra $100 for the "Insight Map" If I am going to buy the Navionics platinium anyways?

I hear maybe the 09' Navionics platinum is having problems still? Should I just Buy the 08' Version? I doubt any of the lakes I care about are any diffrent from 08-09 since there seems to be a very small amount of Mass/NH lakes to begin with.

Atleast ones that I fish..

Thanks again Jim

Fishing a tournament this Sunday at Lake Shirley/Shirley Res (My first tounament ever actually) ..I dont think that map is listed either..that might have helped.:)

I think i would buy the insight as well just to have it. I have the platnium chip from last year as well as the premium maps and if i had to do it again i would not have done the platinum. I totally am not impressed with the 3d maps for the extra $$ it wasnt worth it. I find the 3d kind of useless on the few lakes that actually have it. The countour maps on the other hand are a very valueable tool on a lot of the big lakes that i fish like Winnni, squalm, champlain etc. Small ponds not so much.

The navionics really would not help you much on Shriley res anyway. Most of the lake is shallow and your not going to be looking for deep humps or anything like that there. Its mainly bank beating and fishing structure/weeds(the few that are left).

Best of luck on your tournament. I dont know if you have been on shirley or not yet this year but the fishing is terrible. Thy killed pretty much every weed in the place and there was a massive fish kill over the winter. My club fishd there about 3 weeks ago and there were dead fish everywhere and we weighed in less then 20# total as a club which is sad. the winner had less then 4#. In the past out tournaments there would take 15# minimum to even be close to winning.

Wow, I had actually heard that Shirely Sucked this year. and even last.

I caught a 5 1/2lbr last year around this time, but that was about it.

Well thanks for the tip. and I look forward to hearing about the Rivers..

Not sure if you have, but have you ever used the 3D or the HD map of Lake Wequaquet down the Cape? just my favorite lake, so im pumped to hear about the HD map and or 3D on that.
I havent used the hd stuff on Wequaquet. I havent been there in years. That lake is another one where i dont think i would really use any of the info tht navionics has to offer. I know it pretty well and i mainly fish shallow water there. Like i said before i think the 3d maps are useless. you cant zoom in very far and with the 5" screen you cant see much detail. I played with it on Winni last year and i wasnt impressed even on my buddies 8" lowrance. Im not even running a firmware that supports the 3d right now, i had to downgrade because i was having issues with the ff performance and haqt was the only fix to make it work right was to downgrade to a really old firmware. i dont miss the 3d one bit and i doubt ill ever reactivate it. I really feel like i wasted $100 bucks on it.

Here are the pictures.

This is the concord river on navionics. there isnt much here, the sudbury doesnt even show.

concord river.jpg

This one is a lake near me with the standard map. There is some decent info here but there is also a lot missing. for instance there is a point tat you can see on shore, its a huge underwater point thats not on the map. This is another place that you generally fish in 6' or less and normally itson the weedline where the fish are so this map is kinda useless.

lake pearl navionics.jpg

Here is the HD map of Winni. There is a lot of really good info on this map and this is a lake that you would look for humps and points in deep water. I find the info on this lake and big ones like it invaluable.

Wow, Thanks alot Jim. I appreciate you taking the time to show me that..

That is sweet, I am going tonight (Wednesday Night) To Bass Pro to pick up the HDS-5..I'm just assuming they will have them in stock....along with the RAM mount and Nav Chip.

THanks again.


Don't assume that BPro has the HD in stock or the ram mount or the Navi card.

I went there last year to pick up a Platnum card and Ram mount, They had neither in stock. they also new nothing about the Plat card Vs the reg card.

In a huff i told them i could have saved myself the 1.5hr ride and went to Wallmart and got the same service!

look into Three Rivers Marine for all the above needs. they have been great to deal with and there pricing was a bit better.

I also agree with JimB on the extra cost for the Platnum card. If I were to do it again i would purchase the reg Navi card for our region.

Are you fishing the Bubba T this Sunday at Shirly??

if so. they are a good group of guys. i fish with them speratically through the year.

i will be fishing either June 20 at Winni or 21 at Winnisquam. if plan on fishing either let me know, i will try to hook up.

Thanks Greg,

I will call first lol.

yes I am fishing with the Bubba T this SUnday. Although the weed kill from what I hear will Suck...But im going anyways..

I just may be fishing on of those. I will let you know. THanks
