My two year old boat continued

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Richard Bitterman

New Member
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
I want to thank everyone for their advice on my boat problems. I could have went to the dealer every month something new happened to my boat - but I am not that kind of consumer. I own a business in Kansas City and I service thousands of different clients every year. I know I put a great service out every day and I call my customer back for referrals because I know we did a great job. Our company is not perfect 100% of the time - but if we are not then I know about the next day and my customer gets a refund. We have tripled in size in the last five years. I guess what I am saying is that some of this is my fault for not taking the boat to the dealer every week or month - but they lost a (silent)customer for live. I meet alot of people in the course of a year and if any of them ask about my boat - I tell them like it is.

Yes there are lots of walleyes in Missouri (most of them have not seen a lure or a bait) and I am not telling any of you where they are at unless you want to come over and help me work on my boat.
Rich... I'll share technique in trade for location!!!
Don't feel lonely Rich:) I have been known to be called a "glutten for punishment" sometimes myself by giving them another chance but, really who doesn't need another chance?

After I did get all my problems worked(which was alot btw)

Tracker is still a good buy for the money. Do I bichalot about the QA end of it...hellyes! But, like I said before...A quite person never ever accomplishes what really NEEDS to be done:)

Just chalk it up as experience and what not to do:)