My Story (long)

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Lee Brumbaugh

Active Member
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Awhile back I noticed that one of the carpeted fender protectors on my boat trailer was missing. I wasn't sure if it had fallen off, was stolen, or wasn't there at time of delivery. I just hadn't paid much attention until I noticed one side had one and the other didn't. That was about 1 1/2 months ago.

I called Bass Pro in Springfield and talked to a gentleman there in their service dept. He said that they would send one out to me at no charge. That made me feel good. About three weeks passed and I was at Bass Pro and checked on the status of that deal. The lady in the boat showroom contacted the guys at the service dept. via phone and explained my situation. They said for me to leave my cell phone number and they would call me within the hour. I had time to kill in Springfield so I figured I'd wait. The hour passed and I returned to the showroom but couldn't find the lady I had talked to earlier. I talked to Heidi (she's in charge of sales I believe). She tried to call but it was about 4:30 p.m. and nobody was picking up the phones at the service dept. She checked my files and said that no work order had ever been done for the fender protector. Hmm. She e-mailed the supervisor for the customer service dept. and said for him to call me at home.

I went on vacation back to PA for a couple of weeks and kept asking my wife, who stayed in AR, if Bass Pro had called. Nothing. Now I was starting to get mad. You see, we hadn't taken the boat out since I noticed a large scratch on the hull due to the missing padding. I really wanted the fender protector when I returned home. Well, as I usually do, I sicked my wife on Bass Pro. The next day she called me and said that it would be waiting for me when I was in Springfield next. Man is she good. You don't want to be a telemarketer calling our house around dinner time.

A couple of days ago I picked up the fender protector. Today, before putting my boat back on the trialer at the lake I installed it. It really didn't fit all that good but I made it work. Then, I noticed that the round headed stainless steel self-tapping screws that they gave me at Bass Pro put a few scratches on the hull. Next time out I'll have to pick up some flat-head screws and swap 'em out.

You know, I'm pretty happy that Bass Pro didn't question me as to why the bunk was missing. They just gave me a new one - which is good business. However, I had to wait too long to get it - bad business.

Anyone have any similar experiences?

I had the same problem with the carpeted fender protector coming up missing. I contacted Frank at Dover Marine, NH where I bought the boat this year and he ordered a new one to replace it and told me that when it came in he would have it put on. While I was there, the service guys checked the trailer and boat all around and replaced a lug nut holding the spare tire onto the trailer.

I hadn't gone back there yet to have it put on (I'm assuming he has it waiting for me) because I have spent all my free time fishing. I hadn't gotten any gouges from the metal hitting my boat but I will be more careful or bring it in to the dealer sooner than later.

I have nothing but good things to say about this dealer and will probably buy my next boat from them. I'm sorry you have had such a bad experience dealing directly with Bass Pro.

Mad Kayaker
