My son...out of Iraq, into Kuwait!!!

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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Reaction score
Just got the word....12,000 man convoy left northern Iraq Saturday, travelled straight through across the country and arrived SAFELY in Kuwait 2 hours ago!!!

Only 2 attacks, which were dealt with swiftly and severely, and no injuries or casualties to our soldiers!!!!!!!!!!

He should be back at Ft. Campbell (Kentucky) around Feb. 12th, and home with us for 30 days in mid-March.

Of course, we'll be heading to Kentucky to greet his plane at the base....can't wait!!!
You can exhale now.

That's very great news. Give him a big THANKS from me for his service.

Great news Ken!!!! Tell him thanks for all of us here. If he's going to Ft. Campbell he must be 101st. ABN.. If so tell him this old 101st. trooper is very proud of him and the job that Division has done..

Great news Ken, Rhonda must be excited to hear that. Take care and again tell him thanks..

You know how elated I am to hear that news. Now, God Bless hima nd all the others and... I can't wait to send a BIG "WELCOME HOME"... Tell him 'Thanks for all of us here at home".

Thats such great news,glad he is safe.When you see him tell him thank you.

Steve ><}}}}'>
Great news!

Please pass along thanks from the Stern family.
Fantastic news! Send him our thanks and tell him we're praying for all of them to come home safe and soon.
OUTSTANDING!!! Can't wait to shake his hand and extend our thanks, in-person!

All of our best to your son and his entire outfit.

Our blessings and appreciation will always be with them!
Best of news. Glad to hear he is safe. I have one of my employee's husband is headed over next month. Lots of anixety to deal with.
Best of news. Glad to hear he is safe. I have one of my employee's husband is headed over next month. Lots of anixety to deal with.
Good news! You can be proud of the man he now is as well as the soldier. Thank you.