My son made it to Bagdad.

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Mike was called up early. He was the only on one in his unit that meet the criteria .

Spent a couple days at an USAF Base then flew private carrier to D.C. to Germany to Quwait to Bagdad international. Took the Rino to downtown.

He's the only Marine in his unit. He's already been to several palaces of Sadam's . He does a lot of traveling . Mostly by BlackHawk.

GOD bless them all .:)

I got back in Jan from a year in Iraq, was also stationed in Baghdad and traveled over 17,000 miles in Blackhawks, convoys and C-130. Take heart that the pilots do their job well, he's in good hands and I'm sure he'll be fine. I thank you and your family for the support of your military son and our great nation. God bless all of you.

Amen to that Jim!! We'll keep Mike in our prayers Mark......he's in good hands with the US Military!!;)

I'll second that Ken. The 10 th Mountain Division is protecting his back. He's in good hands.

Nothing like ground troops on the ground disrupting the terrorist plans. God Bless them all.:)
I second that! God bless them soldiers. ALso thank them for me. I pray for all of the military.

Barry from La.
We'll keep Mike in our thoughts and prayers until he is home safe. Tell him we said thanks Mark, and if you have an address where we can send him a care package, shot it to me e-mail.


I'll wait the days till he comes home, each day starting with a prayer for him and your family. But, I am very proud to say that I know him and he is a very fine man and a very fine Marine and for that you have to be proud.

From here, the message to him is Semper Fi...

When he gets settled I'd love for you to send me his e-mail address so I can send along a hello now and then.
Thanks Greg, I'd appreciate some good motivation! oorah!? MY e-mail is [email protected], Jim I'm in the IZ, your boys here are taking good care of me. I've never eaten so good! Thanks everyone! Your support means alot to the troops, keep it up.

I'll work on Mini... Try to get him to use his influence to get a Hooter's opened up on base for you guys....

Thanks for being there... Pass on the word to everyone there that no matter what they see in the papers and CNN... There are millions of Americans that support them and their mission.

Its a long Green Line that I stood in and I am proud that you have joined it and stand there now...

Semper Fi, my friend.
Oh ya, I forgot to mention he has his own computer and access to several differant types of phones ................:cool::)

Mark aka dad
Thanks Boss, Will do! A Hooter's would improve troop morale !

Gotta get back to work, lot's to do not enough time to do it!
I had to google "Chester" Puller to find out who he was not being a Marine myself. I thought maybe Mike was losing it from the heat.

I was wrong Lt.General Puller sounds like more than just an American hero. Good reading.

The son teach's the father............ Just don't let it go to your head !!


There is a little of Chesty already in that Marine... We become a little more of what we are when we become one.

In Korea, he is quoted as saying; "So they've got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those b*****ds won't get away this time!"

And, my favorite quote about Marines, from an unknown source; ""There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."

Last, the term "Devil Dogs", was bestowed upon the US Marines during the battle of Belleau Woods in World War I... The Germans called the US Marines ""Teufelhunde! (Devil Dogs)"

Hey Mike, the IZ is not a bad place to be! I flew into Washington Pad several times but only stayed overnight one time. Be safe and we'll set the hook once for you.
