My son got his orders...

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
As some of you know Mike is still in Twenty-nine Palms finishing up with tech school.He has fourteen Marines that he his responsible for at the moment. He is also graduating at the top of his class ' the top'.

The not so good news is that his orders were not what he was hoping they would be.

He is being sent to Camp Pendleton . He went straight to his Sgt. and told him that the were not the right orders , that he asked to be deployed. His Sgt. said he was already on it. But with no success.

The unit he has been assigned to receives all the new equipment before it goes into the field for use. Remember he is with air support. There job is to use,abuse til it breaks then find out why it broke and how to fix it !

He also has the option to attend classes at the University.

He'll be home on the 26th of August.

Isure do miss him......

Proud as hell of your young sheephead.....tell him I said Semper Fi.
Mike, if you need any help.....

I can break anything! :p

Mike..... Whether deployed overseas or stationed at Pendleton, you are wherever life wants you to be..... Think of all the failures that have taken place throughout history and the subsequent loss of lives..... Ask Greg Meyer what he thought of the AR-15 over in Viet Nam (Hope I got the designation right.)..... Think of the lives you have the opportunity to save in your job..... "Saving" is always better than "taking".....

God Bless you, Marine!


Good deal! I am at Pendleton now. They are gearing up for the MEF to deploy again, so he may get his desire to deploy sooner then he thnks. Ahh to be young again.

please pass on my congratulation to the Devil Dog on his class standing! Will start him off right!

If he needs anything, jsut have hime call the "old Gunny" and I will do what I can.

Semper Fi


I'm with everyone else here... Congrats to "our" Marine Gross... That he is at the top of his class is no surprise, but it is great news. Please pass on our messages of pride and congratulations....
Mark - Congrats on your son's graduation and Top of the class!!!

Tell him we all are so proud of him for his choice of careers and serving our country!
