My New Girl Friend

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Toxic may have his Mistress but look what I found. She recently had implants done and boy is she a looker. She's easy but a little fragile. :lol::lol::lol:

That's assuming you LIKE a meat on their bones and a whole lot of meat! LOL:p:p:p
Remind me the next time I am up to give Mini a siwft kick in the nads for photoshopping that pic.....and also give me a clear escape route!!:lol::lol:

Gotta admit though Tox,.....we've gotten a LOT of mileage and laughs from that pix!! It's one of my favorites!!;)
Mine too ;) BUT, the skirt needs to be shorter:lol:

Hey Tox...what's with the lil' pinky raise there sis?:lol::lol:
There isnt an escape route big enough, beside you might trip on your plaid!

Perhaps you did not read the finme print on the application for this website... "Sick" (of major league proportions) is a baseline requirement.
Not that bad...A few beers and walla a 10:D