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Ray Seifert

Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Bought a 2003 Tracker Targa 18 fish/ski new from dealer last july. I have a 150 hp Merc with a 15 hp kicker. Have less than 40 hrs on each motor. boat was tied to dock and heavy 1 hr thunderstorm sunk it with the cover off.Yes drain plug was in. Raised boat, bailed it out, placed cover on, hand tightened circular access panel on transom, came back 8 hrs later,(no rain), and boat was swamped again. raised and bailed it out, towed to ramp, no water when drain plug removed. Dealer cannot find leak, but suggest combination of factors, 20 in. transom, leaking access panel, low water line, controll cable access can allow large amounts of water in when swamped, manufacturer not interested in looking at boat.

Any thoughts???? any similiar stories??? This is supposed to be a big water boat, seems to go down awfully easy. I do trust my dealer implicitly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Have you tried filling the bildge with water when on trailer with the plug in? You may find the leak that way, do you have an auto switch on your bildge, has it always done this or just started happening? Is it over the max HP?
Filling the bilge while on the trailer sounds like a good idea. I'll run it past my dealer. No auto/bilge yet, but if I keep this boat it will have one. Max hp is 175. Dealer and manufacturer both agree we are not overweight in the rear. Curiously, Tracker comes with a 25 in. transom for 2006 rather than a 20 in transom like mine. Manufacturer denies any correlation. Looks like i'm gonna have to buy my way out of this one.
Well, all I could say is there are a lot of resources on this board, do a search and see if you come up with some past issues like yours and how the problem was fixed or resolved. You should not have to buy your way out of this one. Others will see this post and respond with help or suggestions.

sounds like a loose livewell or hose (drainplug area) inlet hose. I'd put plug in it and fill the boat with water (up to batteries only) and you should see water running out

really does sound like a loose hose or fitting.
I own a Targa 18 and have dealt with a customer describing/living with the same situation. Heavy wave action from the stern will fill your boat via the deep cut transom. You should always try to keep your bow into the waves for prolonged storage or anytime out of sight. (i.e. backing into a slip at the dock instead of having stern out.) With the 150 (like on mine) AND the additional weight of a kicker, it won't take many waves over the back to put it under. An auto-bilge installation will help immensely. Good luck!
I had a problem with lots of water in the bilge..with my '03 targa..with a heavy 115hp 4 stroke.

Check the round black plastic bilge inspection plate next to the motor.

The plactic ring was cracked at each of the rivets.. This was replaced by the dealer and the new one was installed with SS screws.

NO Water in the bilge now..-- Since then -- Never have had any water (NOT a Drop) in the Bilge even in rough chop / drift fishihg

Maybe something to check by running water on the round black plastic bilge inspection plate with the drain plug out --on the trailer--- won't take long--

Good Luck

As far as "wave action"... You can install "WaveWackers" (back trolling plates) to reduce back splash filling your boat...
Ditto Greg on the back trolling plates. It will reduce the amount of intake on large waves greatly. (Many have a loose gasket that hugs the motor reducing even more wave intake.) The biggest culprit is tying to a dock/slip. When moored the ability to rise and fall with waves can be diminished greatly. Case in point, I went to a customer's slip and found his Targa pulled in bow first and secured with a 4 point mooring. While we were scratching our heads as to why it kept sinking (this had happened to him several times and we found no leaks at the shop) a ski boat came by sending a 3 footer over the back. (His boat rose less than a foot to compensate.) Two feet of that wake came through the transom, landing in the back, covering the battery and livewell hatches and soaking the deck. He now backs into his slip and (as far as I know) hasn't had any more trouble. Something to consider when mooring.
Thanks to all for your input. I'll bring these issues up with my dealer, but I still believe this is a poor design for a big water boat. As I mentioned earlier, all the new trackers come with a transom 5 in. higher. Wonder why??