My family and I went to Disney and all I got...

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Dan J.

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2001
Reaction score
Lake Lanier, GA
....was much needed peace! LOL!!

I just got back from Disney and missed the last week's worth of board traffic. (I was actually in withdrawal from all you folks! LOL!!) After a week or more prior to the trip of my neighborhood being assaulted by news media from around the world over this "Runaway Bride" ordeal, I had to get the family away for a change of pace. It's incredible how much resource and publicity has been spent over this one girl's inconsiderate behavior. Her twin brother Matt Willbanks is a friend and fishes many of the local tournaments here and I can't say enough how sorry I am for him and his family to have to go through this. There have been news trucks all up and down the roads, blocking driveways/entrances, bugging folks for sound bites, etc.... All for this overblown gossip story that didn't even pertain to our town other than her Mom and family live here. (She had been in Duluth, GA for a while where this incident took place/started.) Her mother recently sold their long standing sporting goods store (Satterfield's) to another family (Schuler) and was looking forward to comfortably living out of the hustle and bustle. So much for that.

Disney was great as usual and my little boy enjoyed every park as much as possible. He got "autographs" and photos from everybody, but was incredibly enthused over the Power Rangers he met at MGM. (They're his favorites!) Even our 6 mos. old seemed to enjoy, lounging in his stroller, seeing all the people, and catching a few shows. All in all it was a wonderful time for everybody, especially for my wife and I. Surprizingly, upon our return, the news wagons were still prowling, although not as many. I don't defend a single action Ms. Willbanks took during this debacle, however, I don't believe these media people realize or care that there are other people in the neighborhood who don't want their trespassing or generally annoying behavior 24 hrs. a day. (Sorry to rant!!) I'm still very glad to be home and will return my e-mails pronto. I hope y'all never have to deal with these type of news folk.
Welcome Home Dan. Eli and I've been keeping the fishing going for ya! In the last week we've hooked up with over 30 whites and 5 nice hybrids.

Gotta get our boys together up on your dock!!
