Moving to Alaska

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I got a letter in the mail today from a College in Alaska. It is the Alaska Pacific University. It seems like a really cool school. They wrote me because it has a great outdoor/wildlife study or Marine Biology school. I need to check on their business school.

Most of you know that I want to go to grad school to get my masters in Business. So that means I will end up at Harvard or Chambridge...just kidding.....although I would love to go to one of those.


My school counselor also reccommeded me for that school up there. The only reason I reall dont want to go is because its so danged far away and there are not many bassus up there to fish for in the off time.


Don't let distance get in the way of an education. Believe it or not, there is other fishing besides bass!! Get that education first, fish for whatever Alaska has to offer and you will have the rest of your life to persue bass fishing! Moving away from home to go to school can be a lot of fun.

Oh yea...there are other activities in college that can be distracting from fishing! I did very little hunting and fishing when I was in college and even for the first few years afterward when I started working in California. I have since moved to Vermont and I hunt and fish way more than I ever did when I was living with my parents and not even working.

Bob G.