Motor Fouling Question

  • Thread starter Christopher Edwards2
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Christopher Edwards2

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've got a 1998 P.T. 175 with a 40 hp force/mercury. The motor has two cyclinders and the top (gapless) sparkplug always seems to foul very easily causing the motor to miss frequently. I've tried running "powertune" throught the motor and that fixes the problem along with a new set of NGK plugs for a few hours of running time, but the the problem is back. ANY IDEAS WHATS WRONG? I'm getting ready to park this boat in the dealers parking lot and tell them to fix it. But, when I ask them what to do about this problem, they tell me to just keep a few extra plugs onboard. One thing; the motor turns over everytime with just a touch of the key (thanks to my Optioma batteries). PLEASE HELP.:wacko: