Most embarrasing fishing moment

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
What would your most embarrasing moment be while fishing?

Mine would be my first tournament. It was a mini boat tournament and when we were driving to the lake our livewell blew out of the boat and knocked a guide on off our trailer. An empty gas tank also blew out. When we arrived at the lake and went to back our old 14 foot v-bottom down the ramp my dad pulled up to straiten the trailer and the boat flew off the trailer and onto the concrete with me in it! What made it really embarrasing was I won the tournament.
That's really rough BJ, winning your first tournament. Just kidding, were there a lot of people watching?

The first time we ever had our boat out on the water, about a year and a half ago, the prop spun off in the middle of the main lake. Don't ask me how, it just did. We were towed in by a wakeboard boat, who would of thunk it? Several bass boats flew by, but the ones who stopped where some punks with the music blasting. Couldn't complain I guess.

There were probably 20 people at the most. It wasn't the biggest tournament but at least I can say I won my first tournament. In Feb. I will fish my first "pro" tournament, hopefully I can say I won my first "pro" tournament too! Good luck and talk to you later Josh.

Also when I had my Ranger the engine died out in the middle of the lake and a ski boat pulled us in. They were nice but the bottles of beer they were holding made it rather unusual....
I would have to say my most embarrasing moment would be during a fairly big tournament(90 boats in Maine). My partner and I were having one of the best days we had ever had, boated well over 40+ fish, most were not keepers. We had 8(limit, so I thought) keepers by 1030(launched late do to fog). We were culling and looking for a kicker, current weight was around 13lbs. We got to our last spot around 3 and caught a 4.5lbr at 3:30, threw back a 1.5lb smallie. Anyway, we got to the weigh-in, weighed in 8 fish at 16.7lbs...the weigh master says, to bad you didn't have a limit you'd be in the money...I said "WHAT? the limit isn't 8" he says No, it's 10...I was so embarrassed, we were only 2 lbs out of 3rd place.

The moral to this story is to pay attention to the announcement prior to blast off. Just thought I'd share that with ya'll.

Eric H.
I'm not gonna mention the time when the plug wasn,t in cause we have all don that,RIGHT!!I arrived at a pay tourn with my partner,I fish alone alot so I'm used to backing in the boat with the rope method and pulling the boat back to shore.I instructed my partner to back the boat in and I'd pull it back with the rope.As he backed in and the boat floated off the trailer I felt pretty stupid standing there with the end of the rope that should have been attached to the boat.I had to run into the water waist deep to retrieve the boat.I didn't here any lafter ut I'm sure I gave the crowd a good belly laugh later on the lake.PS we didn't win the tourn cause I knocked what could have been the winning fish off my partners line while trying to net it.We thing it was at least 4.5-5.0 lb smallie.ouch!!!!!
First time at K& B with my dad's 14 footer with a huge 7.5 Merc. Put it in the problems so far..pick up the wife at the ramp...take off and notice it's runnin' a little sluggish. Look back and found I had not put the boat plug in! Shoulda' seen me panic runnin' around the lake bailin' water and runnin' around in circles close to the case I sank LOL. Not pretty...BTW I did it again on my new boat on the first time out...very embarassing!

With all of the forgotten plug stories we hear, how come no one uses the plugs with a "T" attachment that just leaves the plug in the hole. I do, I never take it out. Also, I do the plug insertion drill as part of my "leaving home" routine. Both ends of the boat...hook up to trailer and put plug in (amoungst other things). That being said, the stunt of trying to poach some lillys and ending up stuck head first on the bottom, comes to mind.

Pulling my boat out of the Potomac after a day of fishing and noticing that the flush "muffs" were still on my outboard. I have the T plug on my boat and don't screw it in until I am on the ramp and taking off the transom saver and the tiedown straps. How I missed the muffs while taking off the transom saver is a mystery to me. Maybe I shouldn't have been on the water that day:))))))?

Eric i can relate with ya...1st tourny and we had our limit of 8 on the first day. We were culling all day and eving going up to our buddies and making fun of them becuase they didn't have a limit. We even cought and released fish right beside of them, rubbing it in. Well at weigh in you guessed it we only had 7 in the livewell! But we won!! In stead of taking a ribbing we told them we beat them with on less fish they could of had!
I'm embarrassed everytime I go fishing. I always thought humiliation was just part of the sport.

Put my boat in the water before light, alone. Watched the boat float off of the trailer, watched the rope that was tied to the trailer go taught then come untied. I was up to my waist in the water before I caught the boat rope. Would have been deeper if I had to get the boat and not the drifting rope.....

Harpo, I feel ya pain dude!!!!!

When you get to be as old as I am, you're allowed to re-tell the same story over and over again..... Back in April of 2001, in response to a request for "Stupid Ramp Stories" by Marke Cicero, I posted this one.....

My story goes back about 25 years and involves my old friend Ken.......

He had just bought a small used run-about and we decided to take it to the nearest body of water to test it out and do a little fishin'...... We hooked it to the back of his DATSUN 240Z (Ken was always SO proud of that car!) and headed for the Mississippi about 50 miles north of St. Louis.

We got there without incident. Motored around for a few hours without incident. Fished without incident. And got back to the ramp without incident. Man! We were a couple of Old Salts!

Ken backed his DATSUN 240Z and trailer down the gravel ramp and dunked the trailer in the water. I motored the boat onto the trailer. Ken attached the strap and started to pull out. For some reason, that I have since forgotten, half way up the gravel ramp, Ken decided to stop the car, shut off the motor put it into gear and come back to the boat........

All of a sudden, boat, trailer AND PRIZED DATSUN 240Z start a backslide! I was closest to the open driver's door so I jump in...... I try to stand on the brakes to stop it - but it was sliding on the gravel! Son-of-a-gun had momentum now! Slide all the way down until the water level was WELL above the door sill! Filled the entire cockpit with Mississippi River water!

The boat was floating now - and so was the trailer! They cocked sideways in the current! I managed to get the PRIZED DATSUN 240Z started - glass pack mufflers don't sound nearly as threatening when submerged! But we couldn't get the PRIZED DATSUN 240Z out! It was too gosh darn heavy with all that water and the gravel was too loose!

While I sat there keeping the motor running (and glass packs gurgling) Ken ran to find help...... He came back with a guy in a van and a tow rope who managed to pull us out.

On the drive home, we sat in wet seats, rested our feet on soaked carpet, smelled Mississippi River Water Mud Bottom...... And wondered why the water temperature guage was running so hot.......

Back at Ken's home we unhitched the trailer and proceeded to strip the PRIZED DATSUN 240Z of all it's interior - WITHOUT letting his wife see what was happening! It was then that we noticed that, even without the trailer attached, the PRIZED DATSUN 240Z was squatting low in the rear.......

Back there, we discovered the reason for the engine running so hot...... Ken didn't carry a spare tire....... The well that would normally hold the spare was FILLED with water! By this time, we were both exhausted and had no desire to sit there and bail it out....... Ken grabbed a long screw driver and a hammer. Stuck the pointy end into the bottom of the well and struck a blow! Water streamed out the newly formed hole in the body of Ken's PRIZED DATSUN 240Z!

Boat was quickly sold.

Car never was the same!


I sent Ken a copy of this story. He then replied.....

"You left out the best part of the boat story! Let me refresh your memory.

"You drove the boat up on the trailer; I parked the z-car, engine off, set the parking brake. The parking brake cable snapped, and the car went glug-glug-glug with each compression stroke lost, it went further & further down the boat ramp. I had got out to winch the boat up on the ramp; fell off the trailer with the first glug. Got back in fast & hit the brakes; started it up, & tried to get back up the boat ramp - no luck. The car was too far down & the rear wheels were really in the slippery stuff and the trailer wheels were off the ramp entirely. You parked the boat , ran to get help; We tied the ski rope around the rear hitch of a suburban or something, and around the tie down hook o
Since everyone seems to be confessing.......Jigging for crappies and smallies many years ago with a mouthfull of chewing tobacco I set the hook into what felt to be the mother of all smallies!!...I got so excited I swallowed my tobacco, then landed about an 8 lb black drum...I then proceeded to violently throw my guts up over the side of the boat..head back for camp..and spend the rest of the day sick as a dog!!!...Haven't touched that chewing stuff since!!!!!