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james casteel

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
good morning everyone well i'm off to florida for vacation as soon as i get outa work!! :)

cant wait!!! BTW thanks for the comments about which lowrance to get.. i got the most answers and best info from this site
Bastard!:lol: Have fun and watch for them thar hurrycanes:D
Good morning everyone...

And, to Jim I say; "take me, take me"
Good Mornin' Everyone... It actually looks like we're going to have sun here today.:unsure:

I have to go and give three or four gallons of blood for a workup and then I've nothing to do.

Maybe pick up yard debris from the storm we had last Friday night. Darn there's a lot of it.

Jim, have fun on your vacation. Geeez am I Jealous.

Toxic, just go and take it like a man for goodness sake.:p

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy

Great morning all. Be safe Jim and say hi to the mouse for me (If you are going there). All have a safe and God filled day.

Jeff (did I mention, I actually see the sun out)
Good morning folks,

Been running 101.7 since Monday evening and my o2 sats run 98% sitting still and drop to 86% and fall when I walk 20 feet.I'm back on o2 again. One new tumor and growth in lymph nodes. It's been a rough week.

But all in all I am Blessed with wonderful friends and family like y'all.

Thank you


JDJ It was good to hear from you... Rough spot right now I see.... I am praying for you that this will pass soon... God Bless you and your family
Thanks Greg,

Glad your daughter is still doing well too.

The o2 folks said the delivery guy got hurt and is in the hospital and they won't have a sub till tomorrow so I guess I am bed ridden til tomorrow.
