Morning Gang

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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Well, since all you slackers are still asleep, I'll do the honors.:p

Morning all!!

I'm at work and already was in the roof with a chiller problem. I had to make sure the building is cool before the day gets hot. Everyone have a nice, cool day.

Morning gang, I was unfortunetly on a conference call at 7am this morning, been swamped!!!

26 hours till Dan and I leave to meet Sim in KY!! Taking Fri off and fishing all weekend up there!!!

Morning, I was just waiting to see if someone else would say GOOD Norning NTOWS.

I guess I'm slacking.:(:D
Good morning everyone. I was up at 0630, but as this is one of my days off, I was watching the news most of the morning.

I wished that I checked in yesterday. My son and I went fishing, he caught three lergemouth to my zero. I guess those Rocket Shads" work after all. I don't mind him beating me, I actually like it when he catches more than I do, I just don't like getting skunked. To his credit, he's not rubbing it in.......much! My reply, It's that curse I tell ya, the curse!

Everyone have a good day,


PS; JDJ, how is your wife doing? I may have missed any updates, but last I read she was pretty sick. How are you doing today?

Good Mornin' Everyone.. Mr. Slacker here checking in... Not quite as hot here today thank goodness. I've got to do some stuff outside that I tried to do yesterday.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Hey Unc Billy. How are you feeling. Nerves calmed down any.

Hey Unc Billy. How are you feeling. Nerves calmed down any.


Hey Bruce, yes they have and thank you for asking. I still have to take a lot of meds though and that affects my driving and fishing. I don't like to drive and I will NOT fish alone. The Docs say that about half the time this condition just goes away, just like that. That's what I'm hoping for.:)
Let's hope you continue to improve. I know it's been a long uphill battle for you. I'll keep sending a thought up for you.


My wife is doing better with the nausea and pain under control with meds but we still don't know what the problem is until she can get in to see the doc in Sept. According to the test it is not life threatening so I guess we just wait.

I'm doing ok. My spine and r shoulder blade look like swiss cheese in places and I get pain form that but have been handling it ok for now. The brain cancer is causing some discomfort but it is not constant and I can still function I can still function I can still function I can still function I can still function ;) :lol: so far.

Thanks for asking

Y'all take care
