Morning everyone

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pete hanford2

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Morning everyone.Coffee is good and strong this morning.Going to be another chilly one today.Cant wait for the football games today.You guys and gals have a great one.
Good morning everyone. Looks like the snow/ ice missed us here in Knoxville, TN last night. All were getting is rain. That's really good news for me, if my relief can't make it in I'm stuck until someone can get here. The last thing in the world that I want to do is stay over after working 10:pM to 10:AM.

Hey Pete, which cabinet are the coffee mugs in????

Good Morning!

I've been stuck here at work since midnight and I could sure go for a cup of Pete's coffee! Hope I can get out of here soon. Lots of football to watch today, if I don't fall asleep.
Morning all!! It's raining as usual. Great day for football. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone has a great GOD filled day and may the best teams win.

Barry from La.:)
Guys the coffee cups are right on the counter,help yourself and pour yourself a cup.
Morning, Raining in GA and possible sleet. got 9 hours on the water with Trep yseterday. So this met my needs for the weekend.

got 4-5 inches of snow..cold out too....:D
Good morning to all (Except the Saints' fans and them well, it ain't gonna be a fun day for you....;)) 30 degrees and snowing here... I do hope the Bears can pull it off... Fun for the City...
GO BEARS........

Yeah, its definately Bears weather today..... woke up to a few inches of snow with more in the area, and being right near the lake, theres gonna be the wind and the wind chill for the visitors to slap them in the face....

I'm leaving for Soldiers Field in about an hour... no matter what the outcome, its gonna be a good time.

Mike GO BEARS!!!!!
