Morning everyone

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pete hanford2

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Good morning all.The coffee is on and a little on the strong side this morning.Its supposed to be very warm here in pa.Have a great memorial day.Be careful if you are on the water.
The strong coffee is good, from the 60's to the 80's this weekend in Oh. I will second, be careful if you are on the water.

Morning, headed out in another 1/2 hour to take my boss/co-worker and his four kids out fishing for the day. This should be fun. Yesterday caught a few small bass playing around but Saturday the lake I went to I got right into a bay of spawning crappie. They sure were good that night for supper.Yuuuum Everyone have a great day.:)
Good morning,

Looks like a great day here so far. The g-kids have worn me out so today will be a day of rest for me other than catching up on some work work this afternoon.

Y'all have a great day.

Good Mornin' Everyone. I'm going to try to get a little yard work done today. Nancy and I did some yesterday and the heat almost killed me. Geeez it was hot.

Everybody have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
I had a 1/2 day trip on the lake this morning. All I can say is that they had 15,000 acres worth of boats on a 13,000 acre lake. Took me an hour to get my rig out at only one of 6 marinas on the lake!! YEOW!!

Tox - Hey dude! Given that it generally happens once a year (Memorial Day) and maybe the 4th of July you can always come to my place and launch. Even the hot side was busy on Monday but not bad on Saturday and Sunday. Just give me a call.