Mornin' Monday!

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Greg J.

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Mornin' all! 22 degrees here, with a 2 hour delay going to work (icy roads).
Morning... Plenty of snow and a full moon to boot. Going to make it a long and stress filled day...

Morning: Typical Feb. morning, 5 Degrees out with a very light breeze. :(
Good morning everyone. Snow flurries here today, but I think we are supposed to hit the low to mid 40's this afternoon.

I don't know if any of you watched the Lady Vols last night, I don't think I can take any more close ones like that! We won 70 to 67, had to fight back three or four times to do it. Vandy played a tough game. My poor wife has no voice today from all the screaming. Hey, I wonder if they could play year round???:rolleyes:

Good Morning Folks,

We've got white grass and roads this morning, all the schools are cosed in the panic and I am sure there is no bread or milk left in te stores. Wonder how them folks can stan to eat so many bread and milk sandwhiches? :)

Y'all have a great day

Same here JD, no light bread or milk to be had! They closed schools here in Knox County for some reason, roads are clear as a bell. My sister is a teacher, she told me that they were looking for a reason to "burn" their alloted snow days.

Oh well, an extra day to hang with my buddy, I love it!!
:lol: They closed the schools here too Steve, of course that is normal if 1/100 of an inch is possibly maybe sorta could happen within a hndred miles of here. :) They say they want to error on the side of safety. :lol:
21 Here in the Carolinas, but looks to be pretty smooth sailing on the roads. Not the case in the mountains though.

Supposed to be getting warmer here this week, and that will be good since our first club tourney is this Saturday.

Have a great week.

Morning all!! It was 32 degrees this morning and it will get up to 60 degrees by this afternoon. The yards are green with grass and the birds are singing. It's hell in Louisiana during the winter!

Morning all! I finally had it explained to me how snow got its' name. All the other four letter words were taken!! (LOL!) It snowed off and on over the weekend here in N GA and now it's colder than a well digger's behind! Hope y'all are doing better!!
Morning all. Anyone else like me and waited 'til the day before Valentine's day to get the ole gift? Hope there's something left at the 7-11 on the corner.:D
Afternoon all... Yep Aaron, I waited too.:eek: My gift to Nancy is "supposed" to be coming in the mail, last Friday...Grrrrrr. If it's not here to today she'll just have to settle for a big smooch from me. NO LAUGHING:unsure:

Uncle Billy
Afternoon all, When i was up at 3 am to get ready for work.It was 17 degrees and colder than you know what.Didnt get above 27.Hope you have a god day