Mornin' Monday !

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Greg J.

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Good mornin' all! 19 degrees right now, no wind, and a high of 33 expected. Work today and tomorrow, and off until Jan. 3rd! :)
Morning. Cloudy and mild today mid 30's? But it's still Monday............

Hey Greg...your about 16 degrees warmer than here:eek: Monin'....

Going to pick my son up at the airport. So begins the hot side for the next 2 weeks!!:lol::lol:

Thanks Mr. Bill!!

Morning everyone.

Warm here but we sure have some thick fog to go with it! :(

Almost ready for Christmas with just one present left to get... so how do I sneak a new car stereo into my wife's car without her knowing??? :huh:

Greg Walters at Humminbird

Tell her you gotta' take it for maintenance and take it somewhere like Circuit City and have it installed maybe?
Morning all

soooooo cold here today--"7"..

They say over 60 by the end of the week:wub:

Don't work to hard everyone..

Morning all...

Mr. Walters, easy... just wrap it in a new car...LOL...
Good morning

Cold here but in the 50ties for Christmas day. Spent the weekend chasing quail and pheasants plus six hours at BPS. They should call the place "Guns R Us" man! do we sell alot of firearms.

Have a good Monday.

Good morning folks.

25 here and slightly cloudy. The kids and g-kids are coming up hoping for a white Christmas and it is predicted to be in the 50's, they are going to be disappointed unless we take them to the mountains for snow.

Y'all have a good dy, I'm gonna fill my o2 tanks and head for work.

Long week for me. Work right up to Friday night but get Monday the day after Christmas off.

sunny, ahh no Cloudy, ahh no snowing, can't seem to make up its mind what it wants to do.:(:(
Morning all! Went to play on the pond for a while. The ice storm sent the lake temps into the high 40's. Shouldn't last long though. The deep fish (spoon) weren't affected. High 50's are predicted for the week. Should pull a few "up on the hill" for the nicer weather. Y'all have a good 'un!