Mornin' gang...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Lights are up and I'm happy;)

Our neighborhood has went crazy this year...looks cool though:cool:
Didn't enthusiasm just isn't there. Probably run some Stabil thru the boat tonite and that will probably be it for the season.:(
Morning: Cool and windy this morning here. Suppose to be mid-50s tomorrow and 60's on thursday. I need to re-fog the cylinders in my engine after running it this past weekend. So will try in the dark after work on one of those warm days. Tonight is botcher night and I get to cut up and package my bambi.:)
Good morning everyone. I went to the Ortho. Surgeon yesterday afternoon. All is progressing, but he won't release me to go back to work yet. He said that it could be another 6 weeks until he'll grant a full release as I'm still having problems bending (squating) and going down stairs. My knee still wants to give way. He did say that he would let me go back on a "light duty" basis, but in my line of work there is no light duty.

This is going to be another llllooonng six weeks. Thank God for sick time!

Morning all. Glad you got the lights up Tee. Got mine up also. It never fails though, there's always a strand or two of those @###$@@@ lights that just want to give problems. And have you ever had to rewire one of those hollow raindeer? I think the garbage pick-up this week may have a Buck decoration to throw into the truck. I wonder if the wife will notice?:)
Steve...take care of yourself bud.

Aaron...I know all too well about the burned out lights! @$$kickers for sure:lol: