Mornin' Gang!

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Monin' all:cool:

Update on mom...not so good guys:(

She went back in the hospital last week for another colostamy blockage and the next thing we know, she is in a "drug induced coma" for 5 days and now has some brain much? We don't know just as yet...

She is at home now with Hospice pretty much taking over and making sure she is comfortable. They are FANTASTIC!

Her story in a nutshell...

Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer at only 24 years old

Treatment: Cobolt and Radiation in 1964

Rediagnosed in 1995 with Colon Cancer

Treatment: Chemo and full Colostamy

After this treatment, she went blind due to Macular degeneration

She has been fighting this pretty much all her life:(

Cancer is Society's Devil nowadays....think of all that has been lost....even our good NTOWS buddies.
Morning: So true Tee, our prayers are with you and your family and a special one for your mom.:(
Morning all!! I'm praying for your Mom, Tee. My father-in-law had medical problems and Hospice was a God send. THey will help you anyway they can. Keep the faith. We are with you in mind and spirit.

Barry from La.
Good morning everyone.

TEE, I'm praying for you and your mother and your family. Your right about cancer and hospice. My mom passed away from bone cancer about 10 years ago. Hospice came in, picked up the ball and ran with it. They were sent from GOD, some of the most caring people that I have ever seen. Be strong brother and cry when you need to.

Morning all. Tee, sorry about your mom. I'll send a prayer up for you and your family.
Morning everyone....


You and your family are included in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Morning all. Hope you are holding up okay Tee. As JDJ always told us, "THE MAN HAD A PLAN FOR HIM", and he accepted it. I'm sure HE has a plan for your MOM and will ease her suffering. I feel for you and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Great afternoon all from sunny Ky. Tee, Prayers incoming from Ky. Keep the faith and God bless your mom, you and your family and all my NTOWS here. Be safe all.
