Mornin' all :)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Good news....My dad and I bought a nice 16x80 trailer right outside of Celina, Tenn.

One step closer to making my dream come true by being a guide when I retire to the one of the greatest smallmouth lakes ever;)

Gonna head down Thursday and drop off a bed and furniture and sneak in some fishin' of course:D
Morning All: Still snow covered ground here and the wind is still blowing. It's suppose to be a really nice weekend, and you might know I got to many things going on to take the boat out.:(
Morning everyone. While eating my cereal this morning, the white bass were feeding on the surface. Grabbed my rod/rattle-trap, and went down for 15 minutes or so. Caught one white, on about the 8th cast.

Not a bad way to start the morning.

Have a great day!

Tex :D:D:D