Mornin' all !

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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I read the thread about JDJ and I hope and pray that all ends well.

My mom got to go home yesturday but, the choices that she's going to have to make here soon is going to be really difficult.

Hope everyone has a GoodUn':cool:
Good morning all:D My prayers are sent out for JDJ & family also for your Mother Tee. May God bless us all. All we have to do is trust in Him.
Morning All: Nice clear bright sunny cold morning here.:)

Everyone have a great day.:rolleyes:
Tee, I'm sorry to hear about your mother, that's tough. A guy's mom is the best friend he will ever have. Just try to do everything you can to make her happy and comfortable. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Morning all. Tee, prayers sent for you and your Mom. JDJ, is going to be fine, no more pain or worries.

Great morning all from rainy Ky. Turning cooler here today, should be around 70 compared to 80s yesterday. Prayers already there for JD and Tee's Mom and all the folks here this morning. All have a safe and God filled day.

Mornin' gang!

Good to hear your Mom's coming home Tee.:D Thoughts and prayer headed up to you and JDJ and families.


First, my heart is with you and your family. I pray that you will find the comfort and strength necessary to face this challenge. Next, please let us know from time to time how your Mom and you are doing.

God Bless...
Good aftrnoon everyone. Hazy with the sun trying to break through and a lot cooler today.

Tee, you Mom is on my and Nancy's prayer list.

Everybody have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy