Mornin' all and report...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Monin gang:cool:

Dale Hollow was on fire last week! Got numbers but, no giants...biggest was about 4 1/2 lb. and lost a 5 at the the boat. Probably 50 smallies all week but, could have done better because there was absolutely no wind all week until Friday.

What was funny was the bite changed daily almost. One day on day on Flukes worked in the tops of laydowns.

Learned some on patterns for sure and will help tremendously.Dad and brother got there on Friday so I'll call down tonite to see how thier doin'.

I'll post a few pics as soon as I can:D

Peace out.
Nice weekend here, but not nice enough yet to get the ice out of the lakes. Smaller rivers have all opened up, but most the Lakes are still frozen. Looking pretty black so it won't be long.
Morning everyone. Worked on the house/dock most of the weekend. This upcoming weekend, I'm hoping to get the new cradle lift installed in the boat house. Did catch ol' Mr. Whiskers off the dock this weekend - just relaxing and sitting out in the full moon.

I'll be at the hollow 4/15 - 4/25. A little late but we always manage to do pretty well around that time. Sounds like the lake just keeps getting better and better. We had an outstanding year last year at the same time. I'll report back after the trip.
