Moor's Resort basically destroyed:(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Read on another site that Moor's and a LOT of boats were destroyed. Also heard of a few deaths. Anybody with other info?:(
Taken from BFHP, a post this morning.

Guys we had a some super severe weather today here on KY lake, (Marshall County, KY) I want you all to know I'm fine, but the Moors Resort was completely demloshed, the campground, docks boats, everything is pretty much rieuned :(. Big Bear is pretty rough, a few people got hurt and a couple people killed in a trailer park down the road. I managed to catch a pic of the tornado on my cell phone. I have pics of the moors resort to from my digital camera. I'll email them if you want em.

Sounds pretty bad.


I am saddened that this has happened, but I am very happy that no oe there was injured severely.
Man that stinks, I have my memories of the only NTOWS rally I attended and the place I caught my biggest ever Bass at The Moors!
Very sorry to read that. The folks running the Moors Resort are truly nice people. Hate to know they are suffering hardship.
Hey Mac - So when are you dragging that big rump of yours down here to North Georgia to show me how to drive this 'glass boat??
Don't t know if I'll be in GA in '06........will be working on my '06 BPS Spring Classic schedule VERY soon though.

The promo mgr in Nashville called me Monday,.....she wants me back!!:wub: (I mean they want me there to work!!)....Hey Teri,....wanna hook up again for brewski's???:wub::wub:


I'll be down there in early March....1st weekend I think!!
Here is a link to a lot of the pictures from this area.
WOW,,,Sorry to hear about that, it was a really nice place. Hopefully everyone affected gets back on their feet again.


Thanks for those pictures. It appears that the damage was the most severe in the trailer areas and the docks..

Some observations, look at the water shots... three or four cruisers sit apparently with little damage immediately next to a dock structure that is totally destroyed... Weird patterns of destruction.
BTW... any idea of what happened to the cabins and the Lodge and restaurant buildings?
Man, that really looks devastating!

It somewhat looks like the main larger building is in 'better' shape, but pretty much everything else looks to be in shambles.

Greg, I seen one photo that looks like the restaraunt and gift shop to me. just about were we were sitting the night we had so mush fun with the waitress screwing up are orders. 14 rows down and three pictures over . Maybe not but it looks like a plasma tv on the one wall.

Wow, just looked at the pics of Moors and other locations. We live in Madisonville and have not ventured to the south side of town where a lot of the damage occured to actually look at it. We've been out of school since Wednesday, out again tomorrow, due to them using some of the local schools as shelters/relief centers. We were scheduled to only go to school on Monday & Tuesday of next week, then be out for the holiday, and we're speculating we won't return to school at all next week. When the storm came through our house physically shuddered, and when that happened the wife and I were busy getting into the broom closet under the stairs. We were fortunate here in our part of town and only rec'd lots of wind and raining so hard we couldn't see the street in front of the house.
My son and I always stay down at Sportsman's Lodge when we go to KY Lake. I don't know if they got any damage or not. I really felt sorry for my wife during the storm. I was at work in Tennessee but she was home in KY hunkered down in the hall with the dogs and cats and no power for over 2 hours. I was watching the doppler of Bowling Green, KY while it was going on and a big red blotch just got over where my house is and stopped. We basically are in a cornfield and have nowhere to go in a storm. Just hunker and pray! I stayed in touch with her by cell phone as much as possible. It flipped a tractor-trailer rig just down the street from us. I will be back in KY tomorrow and will assess the damage then. My roof is a piece of crap so I wish the whole thing would blow off. Hutch