Mini rally request

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Can someone bring a digital camera so we can post pics next week? I don't own one. I will do some taping for the jig video with the famous Sue D of Guest aboard the North Country Bass & Birds' "Kiss This" Ranger for all to view. But some good quality pics would be nice.

I'll be taking pics of Bassin Fool and I catching fish!!! What more could you want??? I can take some of everyone chillin' at your place too.

What is the official time for breakfast on Saturday morning??

Bob G.
I like my digital, don't get me wrong, but the local drug store will add a CD or floppy disk with digital pics when you get your regular pictures developed. Only costs an extra 2 bucks or so...easy alternative to digital...

Yeah Andy, I do that at Wal-Mart when I get my film developed, but you have to wait until the roll is done, or waste film.


I'll be up around 5:30 or so and starting breakfast at 6:00. I'm hoping to be out the door with everyone in a caravan by 7:00.

I also want to get some pics of us all weighing in our pike at the derby. Plus, we'll all be pretty close on the water so we can take pics of everyone with fish. If anyone has those little 2 way radios, bring them. I think my buddy Eric has a couple. We'll all tune into the same channel and can chat. We can ALL fish the same flat and be within a mile of each other and catch tons of fish. That way, maybe at noon, we can all swap out fishing partners to get time to fish with somebody new. It's up to you guys.
I've got two of the little radios so will bring both if someone needs one. I plan on doing a little exploring/looking for some spots for a tournament I have 12 June out of Chazey River launch. Whats the price on the non-resident fishing license this year? I want to go pick mine up Friday before I come to your place, plus I'll top off the boat and truck while I'm there.
$43 I think. It's over $40 anyway. You have a tourney the 12th huh? Out of Chazy? You and 2 other clubs, plus 1 out of Pt Au Roche, 3 out of VT, and 2 or 3 off the south end. I'm fishing 2 that weekend in the Ti area. There will be boats everywhere that weekend.

VT Non-resident fishing license:


Youth: $15

1 day: $15

3 day: $20

7 day: $30

NY Non-resident Annual fishing license: $40

Bob G.
Doesn't supprise me any. Our club usually has about twenty boats. Team trail out of Odgensburg. We don't launch until 7:00 AM and come back in at 3:00 PM, all are tournaments are this way. It will be interesting to see how many will make the trip this year. Thanks Bob I was typing this when you sent your message.
7:00? You'd better get there early if you want a parking spot!

I will also bring my digital camera and 2 sets of 2 way radios.

Good deal. C'mon FRIDAY!

Sue, Jim, and Rick, don't forget pillows and an extra blanket. I might get a little low if you guys like lots of blankets. We never had so many beds to cover before. They all have sheets, a blanket, a comforter, and at least 2 pillows each. But I know some folks like extra blankets and so on, and we just don't have many extras right now. With 7 beds to cover in the house....go figure. LOL
Thought you were coming up on Friday night? Anyway, call my cell, we'll meet you at the Chazy river boat launch. I'll e-mail you details.